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What the HELL does your HAMB name mean?!?!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by KIRK!, Aug 14, 2003.

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  1. chromedRAT
    Joined: Mar 5, 2002
    Posts: 1,737


    i found a mummified rat inside the back seat of the pontiac, and figured most of my other ideas for screen names were either taken, or even lamer than chromedRAT, so i went with it.

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    Joined: Nov 6, 2002
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    Jayyssus k. Riiiste....I hate my name.

    I was a little drunk when I signed up for the HAMB. I just plunked down the first thing I thought of.
    Bad ol' Willys...cause I was working on a '48 Willys pickup at the time. I still have the truck, but I finished my Fairlane instead and the name SUCKS.

    Gonna try to change it.......

    I am thinkin about calling myself ........ PURTYPANTS. [​IMG]

    Later, JT.
  3. HARD CORE LOGO...great film....


  4. Bad Ol can change it in your preferences (under "Display Name") without losing your post count. I changed mine from REALGONE to BARNETT like that.
    Joined: Nov 6, 2002
    Posts: 3,410


    Hey Barnett, No kiddin'?

    I am about to change my name. ---------------------- I just changed it.
    Everyone. I am now VonTingler, I used to be Bad ol' Willys, but now I am VonTingler. Let me explain. For the last few years I have been running a small business here in Tennessee called VonTingler's Art Factory. I specialize in painting airbrush t-shirts at festivals and stuff......Well anyhow, "Von" is self explanatory (I hope nobody gets pissed cause I am desecrating such an esteemed title) and "Tingler" is my last name. ha ha....I've heard them all....go ahead.....BTW, the ladies seem to really like my last name for some reason....

    Later, JT.
    deto likes this.
  6. <font color="green"> My real name is Count Monsterod Von Hugenstein. I just changed it cause Neppy is much cooler. </font>
  7. carkiller
    Joined: Jun 12, 2002
    Posts: 849


    Carkiller is a name I have had for many years, Mostly because of my occupation of buying cars/trucks for partz and the fact I will kill any orriginal car to make it my way. Cal
  8. lowbuck31
    Joined: May 3, 2003
    Posts: 22


    Dude! Kirk! what a cool post. I always wondered what they ment.... for me
    my brother band has a song called "Lowbuck Creepin'" about going out cruzin and causing problems
    cause my truck is a 31 and if Gordini ever finishes the "digger Killer" its next...done for Billetproof!!!!
  9. KIRK!
    Joined: Feb 20, 2002
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    Lowbuck...your brother? Never heard of him.
  10. purple
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
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    <font color="purple"> Even though it's been done in the past....

    It's my favorite color, what else. People started calling me that after I went as far as dyeing my waist long hair purple of course. </font>
  11. prime mover
    Joined: Dec 6, 2002
    Posts: 827

    prime mover

    No it has nothing to do with primer.
    prime mover came to me in a rush song, its the actual force that moves something like wind or electricity. It's also an old name for somebody that moves things with they're mind, like telekinesis.
  12. ShortBus
    Joined: Dec 31, 1969
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    becuz me smrt

    "Some folk'll never eat a skunk but then again some folk'll.
    Like Cleatus the slack-jawed yokel."
  13. Zodoff
    Joined: Aug 9, 2002
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    Wanna know,huh? Zodoff!!

  14. I worked on farms alot growing up in Kansas, and my name is
    John so that's it.
    Joined: Jul 21, 2003
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    I think mine would be self explanitory....

    I like pinto's!!!!


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  16. Baumi
    Joined: Jan 28, 2003
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    @ Katzenhammer: I think " Katzenjammer" is pronounced " Cats-en-yamma " in English, it describes the sound when you step on a cat´s tail [​IMG]

    My real name is Christoph Baumgartner. My teachers thought it was much to long and made Baumi out of it.Sounds like " Bow mee" or so.
  17. RocketDaemon
    Joined: Jul 4, 2001
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    from Sweden

    i got my name after a bud spencer and terence hill song..
  18. RocketDaemon
    Joined: Jul 4, 2001
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    from Sweden

    <font color="green"> Reverend Per Webb sounds cool aswell, reverend in the church of customs </font>

    [ QUOTE ]
    RPW = Revolutions Per Webb. My name is Per Webb and I used my real name the beginning of HAMB (about 8 years ago I think). Then some wondered what "per webb" was. They had heard "per hour", "per ounce" and so on but never "per webb"...
    I think it was Dr Spellcheck that came up with the name RPW (later Dr Spellcheck changed his name to Dr J).

    [/ QUOTE ]
  19. Alfster
    Joined: Jan 15, 2002
    Posts: 1,174


    I've always been a fan of the old ALF TV show and with over 30 Alf's around the house the name just had to be.. [​IMG]

    Hey, this is my 1000 post. [​IMG]

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  20. Flipper
    Joined: May 10, 2003
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    from Kentucky

    Back about 10 years ago I flipped the hell out of a Suzuki Samurai while playing off road (It was a big a$$ hill with tire tracks on it already). It went over backwards and started tumbling. I ended up doing about six "sprint car" style flips.

    A guy at work gave me the nick-name Flipper that night.
  21. Dirk
    Joined: Jun 13, 2003
    Posts: 251


    Dirk was my grampas name. Came from Holland, Mean as hell!

    Not sure why I used it?
  22. NoSurf
    Joined: Jul 26, 2002
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    This is a great post. Appropriate for when people get together at the DRAGS.

    When I moved to Kansas to college I drove my '64 impala ragtop surfmobile. When I got Kansas tags I got "NO SURF". Then after awhile the guys on the lacrosse team started calling me "Nosurf".
  23. katzenhammer
    Joined: Aug 26, 2002
    Posts: 398


    Okay I give up.. I am going back to bed to cry. At least I don't have to club cats. I was a little worried about that since there is two of them in my family. maybe i will change my name to- yeahIreallydon'tknowwhatthefuckIamtalkingaboutsoferchrissakesdon't listentome. heh heh heh....
  24. FencePost
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 351


    It started off as a story... the people sitting down talkin. One notorious story teller who's tales got wilder and more animated the more he drank. On this day he started off, Between You, Me and a FencePost. I jumped up being the smart ass I am and told him in no uncertain terms to ever call me a FencePost again... It stuck. [​IMG]
  25. side_valve
    Joined: Sep 22, 2002
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    Alliance Vendor

    I like flatheads - also known as L-heads or side valves.


  26. Petejoe
    Joined: Nov 27, 2002
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    from Zoar, Ohio

    A nicknamed, I pickup when I was 4 yrs.old. Middle name is Joseph.I have used this as a handle on all the communications I have used since there was a internet. It is actually spelled incorrectly. Correct Pronounciation Petey-Joe. I have never changed it all these years. I just don't believe in changing my identity. I don't have anything to hide. If you don't like what Petejoe says or does. I am the guy to talk to. [​IMG]
  27. I've always been up to my elbows in GEARS-N-GREASE [​IMG]
  28. most people think it's because of my cars, but really it's because "skippy" was already taken.
  29. CruZer
    Joined: Jan 24, 2003
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    I'm the president of our local car club the Night CruZers of Berkshire County and some of the guys call me "CruZer" so that's it !!! Not very exciting. Ho hum. [​IMG]
  30. Drive on
    Joined: Jun 30, 2003
    Posts: 189

    Drive on

    I'm a Wayne Hancock fan.
    Drive on is one of his songs.
    It's a good cruisin song.
    When I was younger friends called me speedbump because I had a motorcycle wreck and got ran over by a truck.
    I was ready for something different.
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