I'm building a t-bucket and have a 1961 ford y block that a friend donated for the project. The engine didn't come with the 4 speed tranny that was in the 3/4 ton truck it was pulled from. Does anyone know what will bolt up to this tranny without having to use an adapter? I'm thinking an automatic (AOD) would be preferred but a C6 could also be o.k. Has anyone out there done this? Any thoughts?
Either of those will require an adaptor. Try Bendtsen's http://www.transmissionadapters.com/ford_y_block.htm
For most standard tran's you will need a passenger car bellhousing as the truck bellhousing is about 1 inch deeper (unless you use a truck trans). Top loaders (4 speeds) will fit with a few small mods. For any automatic except a Fordomatic you will need an adapter