Imagine that it's 7:59 in the morning and a guy in a glass T-bucket with a 350 crate motor is headed to Cars-N-Coffee hoping to get a good parking spot. Just before he gets there he notices that thing filling his rearview mirror. So he makes a slight change of plans and pulls in the lot a little deeper to park in the second row. I could come up with a couple of names...... "The Sledgehammer" for one......... or maybe "The Department Of Transportation" for another.
I did go to a little show here in Iowa and got a trophy for "most likely to get a ticket" honestly I left a lot of hp on the table, I just want to drive it and not have to mess with it all the time
I liked your story, her name was going to be black Betty but it seems there are a lot of black bettys out there,so as your suggestion she shall be known as Betty sledgehammer
Nice grille. What model is the car? I see there are some 31 Chryslers with a two-piece windshield.
That thing looks pissed, and kind of classic at the same time. I think it turned out the perfect hotrod. You must be proud!
Looks like your doing good on bring it back to life. There are a few out there. Not to long ago I seen an ad a guy had like 10 parts ones, but I have no idea where I seen it at. Good luck to you