viton gloves and some unscented hand lotion on your arms before you start. used to just use tranny fluid then some dawn but in my post cancer days i'll take the gloves. i mean you wouldn't drink motor oil would you? absorbing through your skin is a close second to drinking it. compare it to painting without a fresh air system.
+1 on that, O'Reilly's auto parts carrys it, comes in a BIG squeeze tube for like $3-$4 bucks. Works good on grease and paint (I pinstripe) and it smells OK too.
Dawn dish washing soap. I use the foaming type as my hands have large skin lines and nothing will get them as clean as the foaming action Dawn and I have use 2/3 rds of what has been posted above. To really work well use warm water and a wash cloth with the dawn. Scott...
After the fact I use mineral/baby oil, then dish soap and a little sand from the area around the hose. Then I have a long drink outta the hose and Thank God I'm an American .
Great thread actually! I'm currently single and out there on the dating scene. Well, there's nothing worse than meeting a hot chick and having dirty hands. Especially dirty fingernails! I mean c,mon, put yourself in their position......would you want those hands and fingers up inside you? I didn't think so. Anyway, I've used everything and wash my hands frequently through the course of a day and have become a big of Fast Orange. There's nothing better and Sam's is the best place to get it.
I use the nitrile gloves. When I forget to put them on (Or get too anxious and start without 'em) it's either that orange crap or Dawn dishwashing detergent.
The only stuff I use is X Treme removes urethane,polyester fillers,paint grease ect its made by 5 STAR Autobody Products you will never go back smells like grape part number 5995
for greasy hands a little ATF fluid and a rag (Or the bucket of floor dry) before you go in the house great pre cleaner and the sink dosent get as dirty than lava bar soap Paul Jug
Fast orange don't work well for me. we get a product from Zep at work that works great. It's green colored I'll look tomorrow and see what it is. My hands can be black with grease and this stuff gets them clean first try.
I used to be able to get this at work. Only stuff that cleaned my hands perfectly! Sunlight liquid dishsoap at home though...
Original white goop is the worst. I swear that stuff used to work 20 years ago. They must've taken the kerosene out or something.
i know this is not answering the question, but i think that those neoprene gloves are the best solution because you can feel and hold everything as good as you can with bare hands. Your hands stay as clean as before you started your work. If you must know which cleaner i used (i haven't had to in three years because of the gloves) i will check the garage restroom.