anyone else having trouble with the reply or new thread button ? my new thread button only works at the bottom of the page not the one at the top and when i try to reply to a thread posted i have to use the one in the window that posts the original posting along with it. the one that would post only my comment wont respond.any clue to the trouble. is it in my computer or the HAMB
Maybe you're still rinning one of those old 6v buttons. You need to install a voltage drop because the HAMB was converted to 12v. OK, seriously, I don't have any problems. What browser/version are you using?
The forum is kinda slow today, I think there's some maintenance going on or something like that. One little thing I noticed what has been changed lately, is the image-'link' on the top-rightside of these pages, which takes you back to the index of the forum isn't working anymore, but the HAMB-logo on the left on the hand is. Clicking the logo will take you straight back to the index-page of the forum.