$1200 and 2 points on my driving record for engaging in a speed contest, like 14 years ago. I was about 16 or 17. My buddy and I were horsing around, but not really racing. It might as well have been $1 million to a 16 year old kid!
110 in a 70 zone,but i was on the interstate with no traffic. would never do that other then the interstate. funny thing is about 5 people passed me. this was near atlanta. have gotten smarter since then,. done my share of road course racing, i hate these little punk ricers always street racing, i may drive an old honda ,but after countless hours working on it,i'm not going to risk wrapping it around a light pole because some snot nosed teen stuck a fart can on his stock civic. i already know i could make him piss his pants, don't need to prove anything. they make all of us look bad
Havent had a ticket since 87? Why speed? Of course I can leave a light and find the speed limit much faster that most
ive only been driving for 9 years and i have a perfect driving record.i have a cdl so its not worth it for me to speed
Within a year of getting my liscense I got an 83 in a 55, a 93 in a 55, and a 103 in a 55! The 103 had a manditory court apperance and the judge was none too pleased! Serious threats & fines, needless to say my foot lightened up a bunch after that... I also bought a radar detector, best money I ever spent.
i got a 147 in a 45 , straight through the middle of town racing. lost license for a year and 1000.00 dolla fine.now all of you that wanna talk about the cop should stomp'em and they should lockem up, come on. there are so many other stupid ass things that are done in boats ,4 wheelers, golf karts, drinkn and driving. 16 to 25 or so are not most of us's smartest years . if you didnt do something crazy and horribly stupid at that age then you musta couldnt leave the yard. sure its not smart at all but i reckon you guys have jus been angels since you were born. stop listening to mommy tell you your the greatest . i do it on the drag strip now but who hadnt done something stupid. give me half a chance and i'll do it again ,best ride i ever drove. ok let it fly!!!lol
I got a ticket for 55 in a 50, got another one for doing 85 about 30 seconds after I pulled out of a rest stop (I don't think the car even made it up to 40 miles an hour yet). Those were both pretty stupid and made me kind of mad. But my all time favorite was a written warning for driving too slow in Georgia, 45 in a 65.
34 miles per hour in a 30 zone. doesn't sound too big, but i was driving a Challenger Main Battle Tank at the time, so weighing in at 62 tons i figured it was big enough, right?
They got a guy in Toronto this winter doing 236 KMH while drunk on the Don Valley Parkway......Mercedes product.That boy needs some jail time!
when i was young and silly i got done for doing 120 kph in a 60kph zone, it ended after a chase when i reversed into the cop car i was trying to get away from, i guess 1.3 litres of toyota power then was no match for the 5 litre v8 holden highway patrol car, i had the toyota wound out all the way when i got done. i was then handcuffed. i got of with a speeding and neg driving fine and was also made to wash vommit out of the back of paddy wagons.
my first ticket occurred less than a week after my 17th birthday, so my license was expired (unfortunately) and i came around a corner and smashed the gas.. this cop pulled out of an alley (an obvious speed trap) and busted me doing 57 in a 30. the ticket cost 185 bucks overall, but i learned my lesson. don't speed around cops. and my first ticket is proudly framed and hung on my wall.. that was 3 years and 11 months ago, and since then, i haven't gotten a ticket. i won't be getting another one for a while.
Here in Ontario (not sure of other provinces) as soon as you're clocked doing 50 KPM (30MPH) over the posted its considered street racing and you car is siezed on the spot along with a suspension and a big donation to the local tax scene. Sending the car to the crusher would be a good thing to add to the mix !!!
I got nailed in 1965 doing 45 in a 25 mph zone, in the snow, while crossing the double center line in my VW beetle. It was a cold snowy night and the car's heater worked best when going fast (air forced heat - no fan) Wham O - $75 and 6 points. A lot of money back then, but not much as I had to pay when the insurance renewal came. Plus I had to sit thru 10 hours of gory DMV movies on how not to drive your car.
68 in a 45 around here in Sevierville TN only $68 (about 10 years ago) and recently 50 in a 35 in Lampassas TX only $172....................inflation and Texas is a bitch!
I never got a big ticket... but I did get 25 in one year (1975?). Third moning deliveries from California to Wisconsin and a 55 mph national speed limit didn't do much for my driving record. However, most states didn't report tickets to other jurusdictions so I'd just pay the fine and be on my way. The JP courts of the day made a lot of $$$ in those days.
grew up in Ma and lost my licence twice before the age of 20 for speeding. Biggest ticket was a combo of 50 in a 35, extra loud exhaust, not using my turn signal, and no seat belt. $395.00. i was driving a 1979 datsun 280zx with a full cage and a supercharger some guy put on for scca racing. this was more then 15 years ago. now i am a cop in CT. dont usually pull people over for less then 15 over the limit unless circumstances warrent it. usually give warnings up to 20 mph over and tickets beyond that. anything over 61 mph can get a court summons. got a 17 year old the other day doing 78 in a 35, took his licence for 48 hours, and the court will probly take it for another 6 months. CT isnt messing around with the kids anymore. 3 fatals in my sleepy little town last year, all high school kids and all speeding and/or racing.
I never had any big numbers like 90 in a 25 but I'd like to think I made up for it in volume. and lets not forget fix it tickets, and just plain pulling a kid over to harass them. I'd say between the age of 18 and 21 I got pulled over 4 or more times a month. long hair in a GTO. it's a crime you know. funny thing is I was always doing smokey burnouts and street racing. never got caught for any of that.
I was about 17-18 when I outran a cop on the highway once in my regular car (84 Omni--if you can believe it!). He never caught me but I'm sure he clocked me around 110. It was when the speed limit was still 55. It was wrong I know, blah, blah, blah. I don't speed anymore....course I don't drive either. I know a HAMBer that got a $200 ticket for almost 120mph in a 70. The guy that wanted to race him (in a newer 'Stang) also got a ticket.