We go to their Waterpark for a weekend every year just before Christmas. Meet us there next year and dinner is on me Saturday night D.
I'm ready for the day AFTER Christmas...there will be nothing left but cardboard scraps and gum-drops
About 4-5 hours away. I'm real close to Lexington. I spent 4 days in the Benton area for hazard mitigation.
My sister just moved to West Liberty a month or two ago from ID. She wasn’t prepared for the storm drills down here.
I was down about a month ago and will be going again soon. I don’t think I’ve met any nicer, friendlier people…
I'd like a happy, healthy, and boisterous Christmas "Eve", please. Hubba-hubba! Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas, everybody!
How does he do it? He works all year constructing toys, spends two or three weeks listening to entitled little brats begging for more toys and pissing on his lap, who knows how many wives and mommies he’s kissed, we let him creep around our houses on Christmas Eve and we leave him cookies! I want his job!