B'ville salt, I kid you not. It adds hot rod SOUL to my cookies. The plan now is to arrive at the GG Indy show after work on Friday and stay the weekend. We will finally meet in person next month. We have many mutal friends and they all speak very highly of you. I'm really looking forward to us meeting.
I'd like to meet any HAMBer I haven't met yet. And the ones I've only met briefly, I'd like to meet again. I honestly have to say, I haven't met a HAMBer I didn't like. They're always helpful, whether it's information, parts or just a rag to wipe up an oil spill.
Yup thats right boys, best buy stock in Kleenex while its hot and I'm still young!! Dirty Bry! You AND Fathack are gonna get a flea dip for this! xxx Brandy
I've met too many HAMBers already, they even butted into my UK vacation. What a bunch of dysfunctional internet geeks, if you see me at Paso leave me alone!!!! I won't sign your yearbook!!!!!
Brandy. coz she is my perfect woman. Rogue. coz his rpu is what mine should be. Nimrod. coz his roadster is Art. Clark. coz hopefully his energy for building shit is infectious.
A quick scan of the entries shows it's a tie between Nads and Ryan, how should it be decided for the title of most huggable Hamber? Handbags at dawn? Me I want to meet everyone except MeesterP . He trys to hump your leg!
LMFAO Am I the only other guy (apart from RF and Nads) that got this joke?... or just the only one dumb enough to glorify it with a response.
AV8 Shiney Cole Denise (but only if she brings those cookies I keep hearing about) Ryan for sure Rashy Germ SamIam
I think Bruce is the only HAMBer I've ever met in person. But I'd like to parlay wit all y'all breezies and homies. One love, Matt
Glad I'm not part of the popular crowd. Never did like clicks. High School shit all over again. Would buy Ryan a beer and thanks for the web. Met about 6 H.A.M.B.'rs at shows and swap meets. All good Joe's to me. Maybe I'll meet ya-all down the road sometime. Keep it wheel side down. Cob
I've met a bunch of HAMBers already, and I haven't met anyone that I didn't want to meet. Don't got a list, I'll met you when I do. Then I probably won't remember your name, but I won't forget who you are, names are just a formality with me.
I want to Meet Junk Yard Dog 32.......cause when I do...... He will be delivering my 34 Sedan!!!!!!! Im so excited! Im giddy like a little school girl! I look in the Mags each night window shopping for stuff for it, but am not gonna buy a thing till I get it and access what I need! I so excited! I gotta go take a piss! I cant wait, I cant wait, I cant wait!!!! Oh, for who Id like to meet....each and everyone one with a cool project or story to share, no matter their "HAMB status" whatever the hell that means. Ya, some have more to share than others, but I dont discriminate. Your all invited over to my house..... no smoking inside, bring pictures, bring your ride, or alcohol, whatever. Just give me advance warning so I can pick up the living room.
I've met lots of really cool people here and look forward to meeting more. One person who I would really like to shake hands with is Rik Aquilera, my family has been struggling with some hard times lately and this dude opened him self up and offered tons of support that really did help me. Besides all of the car related genorosity I have recieved here this guy really offered some very valuable help to help me deal with some real serious problems, and for that I want to shake his hand and buy him a beer. Thanks Rik...
Well, as long as all the other girls are posting.... Actually the only HAMBers that I wouldn't want to meet are the ones that only use us for the classified ad space and profiteering. Oh, and the one or two that are totally full of it. They know who they are, so do you, enough said. I gotta say though, I have met quite a few HAMBers and they have been great folks. The worst I can say is that some are more the 'silent type' (yeah, that ain't you Benno, in case you misunderstood ). It's not me either, for that matter.
Ahhhhhhhhhh shucks! How sweet!! Porknbeans....my man, how could I forget you?? So helpful, so kind and so funny! Marq honey, you have NO CLUE! Koppa, I've heard that about MeesterP, but leg humping could still be flattering....maybe? I want to meet the Hotrod Hucksters!! Hellfish, Django and the rest of 'em! An AWESOME band and seriously good lookin boys! xxx Brandy
I don't recall ever being accused of being the silent type. Maybe a little bit shy. So we're hookin' up at the day of the drags or before that. Ya know there's a guy on here that just about everyone has left out and an all around good sort. If ya get down to Austin ya just gotta look up Crow. Now that brother has got a lot of heart.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh I'm shakin in my high heels.... Oh yeah, I was on your wish list. KNEW I forgot someone!! Alright Punk, bring it on! We can kick each other in the shins all day long. xxx Brandy
Ryan C9 Whizzerick Rocky NealinCa Curbspeed and his dad Nads...maybe Mart Carps DRD57 AV8 Smokey DrJ All of the sheet metal body workers. The guy that built the 35 P/U and bought Rockys Willys P/U There are an ass load of people that I can't recall their handle or their spelling. It's funny, in my mind, many of you i recall more as a loction. Like a push pin on a map of the USA. It's a bitch to get old but I could never remembered the names just the cars that they drove. You are on my list I just coudn't remember your name Don't take it personal. I'm the idiot.
I've met lots of Hambers (mostly "official douchebags") and hope to meet many more. So far, everyone has been awesome. I can't really think of anyone I wouldn't want to meet. Here's the short list of folks I'd love to meet and haven't. It's by no means everyone as this is a tough thing to throw together without forgetting people. Metalshapes Junkyard Dog 32 Bleed Shoebox72 Dr.Zodoff R E D M E A T (your banana hammock is on it's way STUD!) Hollywud Grimlock Cherry Blossom Ms. Metal Steel Phoenix C9 Dr. J Barnett Plowboy Cole Coupe-de-cab Fritz Moriarity AV8 Ryan Boones NADS! Johnny Ace and Kali Mel Traveling Boot Ho Fat Hack ElSnacky6 Germ NorCalNic TonyBones Forty3 Hex Fritz Curious Rash Rocky RoadRunner Gracie 59 Elky 427 SixGunner Rocket88 Blown61 Titus Elpolacko McPhail Mike Zenor Muttley Atch HankCash Stacey
I'm torn........fell into the fan Seriously, there are a lot of people on here I'd like to meet Von Tingler, 'cause I like his style Porkin' Beaner, because we're fiscally similar Barnett, 'cause he cracks me up, and I like his work HRLC, because she's the shit Nads, because I think we may be related Plow Boy, another with serious style and no fear Brandy, 'cause I like her posts And most everyone else on here, especially the Colorado guys. I don't get out much (they say they might let me out on a weekend pass for Bonneville '06), so I haven't actually met any of you yet, but I LOVE IT HERE! So, Thanks, Ryan! You're the absolute shit! This place rules.
I've met Fat Hack and Dirty T. Hack isn't fat and T is pretty darn clean. His garage floor isn't, but ...? A few of the northern Il. guys I've known for a while. My list is, in no certain order; Ryan C9 Dr J Tman Zeke Junkyard dog 32 Hotrodladycruiser Gracie Aw, hell, the list is so long it would take my slow typin' fingers all day.
Well you got until Monday to get over here and meet me. This old man will be off to Ft Campbell and the 101st Airborne tuesday nite. As for me I don't need no stinking list. I'd like to meet them all if I could. One must is Killer cause he's my hero.