Care to make a guess who this infamous charactor is? Extra credit if you can say where the pic was taken.
Well, Larry this is sort of a drag racing nostalgia test. Let's see if anyone can say who he is. He was a huge part of racing lore in the '60s & '70s. Anyone?
Well, this is the best and ONLY picture I have. I have asked on several racing boards and I only found this one. The Vipers want to begin awarding a special award for memorable charactors from the world of drag racing and we want to name the award for this guy. I can find his real name or very many details about him.
Thanks for doing that, I wish I had a bigger photo. Every old timer I asked for stories said that they regret not taking pix of him. Funny, I guess we assume that these funny ass charactors will always be around. Hint: He was at Baylands, OCIR, Half Moon Bay, Sacto, Famoso, Pomona, Lions, Sonoma, Portland and almost every track that was around the West Coast in the '60s. A lot of the touring pro racers owe him a big thanks. I'll add some more hints a bit later. chili
Hint#2 He had a false leg that was full of wine with a tube that ran to his mouth. Hint#3 He was NOT a racer, but was at the track all the time. C'mon, ain't there any old time drag racing fans out there?
Hint#4 He is surrounded by the tools of his trade. He was one of the most colorful charactors EVER in drag racing. I'm hoping someone will have some stories about him to share. I don't know if he ever frequented the dry lakes and Bonneville, but it sure wouldn't surprise me.
I assume you asked on the Standard 1320 board? I'll run it by Kent and Evelyn Fuller. They've been out of town for better than a week and maybe haven't seen your question or the pic. They should be home Tuesday. Mike
I will wait 'til Tuesday to say who it is then. Kent WILL know and I'll bet he'll have a hilarious story or two about him. I never met the guy, just watched him do his thing. Obviously before the corporate snerts removed the soul from the digs. If he were still around, I'd pay his way to the HAMB drags. No corporate snerts involved in that. ;-)
If you google this guy's name you don't get anything. I put this up to see if anyone had any stories, as he was quite the colorful dude. As stated earlier, the Vipers want to award a plaque or trophy to commemorate memorable people. I hope someone knows his REAL name and has more pictures. I'll let this stew 'til I hear from Kent Fuller, or Woody Gilmore or Davy Uyehara. Those names might give a clue as to who the guy was. chili
I've heard about this guy with the hollow leg but I can't remember his name. Was he a clutch specialist?
I sort of remember a guy with a welding rig that would help out in the pits. Is that the guy? I don't remember anything about wine in a leg though. Sound like some sort of marketing idea.
Looks like a guy at fremont called corky the pirate I think he told me his real name once but that was like in 1972 he was a track welder and allround hands on guy if thats him in the pic.He allways wore crazy hats and talked like a gruff ol seaman lol but if you needed something fixed he usally could do it right there............... Endsville ......Franco
PORKY the pirate. Too bad there isn't a prize, Franco, 'cause you got it about right. I think he invented the hat with two beers that was a self contained beer bong. Mike "the World's Fastest Hippie" Mitchell had a few Porky stories that were hilarious. The Vipers are planning an award in his name, IF we can ever find out what it is. We all remember him from the early seventies, if any can really remember those days, but only as Porky or the Porkmeister. Thanks. chili