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Technical Who really loves wiring ?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Blue One, Oct 21, 2018.

  1. Blue One
    Joined: Feb 6, 2010
    Posts: 11,491

    Blue One
    from Alberta

    I’m at the spot in my RPU build when I can start installing my Rebel wire 9+3 kit.

    I laid it out on my work bench and then read the instructions.
    After that I think I read every post in the Rebel wiring thread.
    Still not sure where to start.

    I looked at the pile of tie wrapped wires and
    turned out the lights and went in the house.

    I didn’t think I’d have wiring as a sticking point :D

    I’m sure I’ll figure it out, just not sure I’ll enjoy it as much as other parts of the build. :D
    slim38 and chryslerfan55 like this.
  2. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
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    Take lots of photos of the build so you'll have something to remember it by, I did enjoy the build. Bob
    alanp561 likes this.
  3. Davyj
    Joined: Jul 11, 2011
    Posts: 442


    Start with a location for the fuse panel.....somewhere easy to get at...then build the bracket to hold it......sort the bundles in the directions they are supposed to go....engine, headlights etc, through a grommet to the front, dash to that general area and rear stuff down along the floor to where it needs to be.....then just connect one wire at a time until they are all done.....
  4. DDDenny
    Joined: Feb 6, 2015
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    from oregon

  5. It's a different discipline, different mind set, different pace. I like it.

    Best way I've found is to mock up ropes in the car, make that your template for the harness...

    Just figure out how and where the box mounts, follow the template and like any journey just go one step at a time. You'll be done before you know it
    tomkelly88, Cosmo49, brad2v and 5 others like this.
  6. Larry, love is a strong word for wiring. :D

    I really don't mind wiring with a good kit that has great directions, I'm not knocking the rebel kit but their directions need improvement.

    The American Auto Wire is my choice, I actually enjoy wiring with their color wiring diagrams and different diagrams of charging system, gauges, lights & etc. HRP
  7. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
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    I had a lot of fun wiring the last one....I got my son to do it for me!
  8. olscrounger
    Joined: Feb 23, 2008
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    I don't mind it at all. One of the more enjoyable tasks of the build. Take your time. I usually chg alot of the stuff to suit me.Sometimes I use a kit-sometimes form scratch. Use bread or trash bag ties to sort as you go on the looms til they are how you want them-then finalize. Leave plenty on the load end until you are ready to make final connections. Ohm meter is your friend.
  9. oldsman41
    Joined: Jun 25, 2010
    Posts: 1,556


    I wouldn’t say i love to do wiring but i keep it simple and I don’t use a kit just put in a fuse block and go from there. To me it just seems easier without the kit.
    cad-lasalle and egads like this.
  10. Back when my hands and back didn't hurts bad, I used it like it.
    Gotgas and dan griffin like this.
  11. GearheadsQCE
    Joined: Mar 23, 2011
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    Alliance Vendor

    I like (not love) wiring a car from scratch. I HATE fixing botched up wiring.

    As an Autoshop teacher I got a lot of practice fixing hacked wiring.
    Something I preached on daily. The worst are aftermarket remote starters.
  12. Craig Owens
    Joined: Jun 28, 2006
    Posts: 466

    Craig Owens

    I don't mind automotive wiring as long as the whiz-bang electronic stuff is nil or kept to a minimum. MSD ignition stuff is fine, but I hate it when a computer is involved such as with electronic fuel injection. Wiring is one of the few automotive tasks I'll take on for other people for pay. You're way ahead of the game with a wiring kit. They come with a nice fuse box, and the wire itself is a lot better quality than parts store universal stuff, plus it's usually color coded and marked. In the long run, I think a wiring kit is cheaper too, unless you're using a bunch of used stuff or just wiring the vehicle so it'll run and charge the battery and nothing else.

    That said, it can look a little intimidating when you see that big 'ol mess of wires, but like someone else here suggested, just lay the whole thing out on a table and eliminate the wires you know you won't be using. Power door locks? Not gonna have 'em? Snip. gone. Cruise control? Same thing...and on and on. That in itself will simplify things greatly and thin the herd. After that, lay the wires out in the groups they'll serve: Engine stuff, front end group (headlights, horn, parking lights), under dash group, rear group (tail lights, fuel sender, electric fuel pump, etc). Mount the fuse box where it's easily accessible and easy to see if you need to, and then just take your time one wire at a time. It's like eating an elephant...daunting at first glance, but just take it one bite at a time.
    FlyFisher, Hnstray and upspirate like this.
  13. Blue One
    Joined: Feb 6, 2010
    Posts: 11,491

    Blue One
    from Alberta

    What’s all a little confusing with the Rebel kit is the way it’s all tie wrapped together.
    Maybe it’s a bundling and shipping thing but I’m just not sure if I should be removing every tie wrap on it or not.

    They’re certainly not good quality tie wraps and the whole thing looks kind of bundled together haphazardly.
  14. trollst
    Joined: Jan 27, 2012
    Posts: 2,104


    Well, thats really the problem with an inexpensive kit, you save on the up front cost, but you pay in frustration. If wiring intimidates you, an inexpensive kit will intimidate you more, staring at a bundle of wires wondering where they go.
    I know you already have it, but a different kit would have served you better, something like an american auto wiring 15 circuit kit, where you can mount the fuse panel wherever you want, and then wire the car back to the fusebox instead of from the fusebox forward.
    Take it slow, find where the panel suits you, then wire up the engine compartment, then lights, then the interior. If it confuses you or frustrates you, stop, take five, go have a beer, maybe toss a little to the old lady, do something to clear your mind.
    Too bad I'm not closer, I love wiring, it's a peaceful, thought provoking thing for me, I don't allow anyone else in the shop till I'm done. I'd help if I were closer.
  15. Blue One
    Joined: Feb 6, 2010
    Posts: 11,491

    Blue One
    from Alberta

    At this point I’m tempted to buy an American auto wire kit and sell the Rebel kit :confused:

    I was just looking at their hiway 15 kit and the instructions look good.
    And the whole panel and wiring to it thing makes sense.
    Much better instructions for sure.

    I’m going to make a list of all my components and call them tomorrow.
    deucemac likes this.
  16. trollst
    Joined: Jan 27, 2012
    Posts: 2,104


    They're simple, with the attention to detail you've shown on your build, it's a better choice, plus, the kit comes in sections, each wired separately, making it way easier for someone who is green as grass when it comes to wiring, PLUS, EVERYTHING you need comes in the box, including practice stuff to familiarise yourself with the kit. Mount the box where you want, wire backward to the box, screw wire into the appropriate connection, voila, all done.
    Chili Phil, Blue One and olscrounger like this.
  17. H380
    Joined: Sep 20, 2015
    Posts: 490

    from Louisiana

    I like wiring because i'm not scared of it. You need to pre plan. Draw out your car and draw where the wires will route. Use a tape measure or a rope or a piece of Mig wire. Your wife's cloth sewing tape works great for curves and bends and drops. This will help you find where to hide slack or if anything is short.

    Check that all of the premade connectors are correct and all of the pins are present, fully seated and not bent. Know what every wire does and where it goes before you start to do anything. Write it down even if it means translating the schematic to something only you understand. Understand the directions and get answers if you need them. You also need a basic meter and a good crimper.

    The most important part of any DC wiring job is the GROUNDS! I also believe in conductive anti-seize like T&B Kopr Shield.

    7Ps. Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
    34toddster, brad2v, loudbang and 3 others like this.
  18. olscrounger
    Joined: Feb 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,813


    ^^^ This--just take your time. American auto wire is good-the dealer I get it from gives me credit back for things in there that I never use as well. Have used Quikwire, Centech and others as well. I also always run at least one spare wire in each loom for future and two/three acrooss dash from panel area on dr side to pass kick panel.. Wiring is something I will do for others as shops seem to be crazy on price and a bit sloppy as well. When wiring as said-no one in the garage and don't talk to me unless you want to see smoke!!
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2018
    deucemac and Chili Phil like this.
  19. Put some pics up of this confusion generation apparatus.

    1 hot rod harness,
    Sub goes to the rear bumper
    Sub goes to the dash
    Sub goes to front bumper
    Sub goes to engine.

    Couple odd ball wires make a stop at few of those places.

    Once the subs are routed and devided its easy to conquer. Work your way up in difficulty and confidence to the dash. It's the most wires, most confined, most difficult. It's exactly the same thing just a bigger bag of them
  20. shivasdad
    Joined: May 27, 2007
    Posts: 585

    from Texas

    I've done both and much prefer the American Autowire. We are doing a total rewire in the shop on an off topic Charger with power windows, locks, trunk popper, aftermarket efi, cruise control, stereo system with amp, etc. He bought a Kwik wire 22 and I will say the instructions are great. Different sections for GM, MOPAR, Ford and everything bundled and labelled. It's making the job pretty fun. Still like AA for the standalone fuse block that all the wires come back to. You'll get it, just start and finish one thing at a time, then go through after testing and make it look nice.
    Joined: Nov 7, 2008
    Posts: 133


    I love wiring and I have used Ron Francis, American Autowire ,Painless, Rebel, and the last was Joe's. All take time and planning. Some are better but all work. I sometimes bondo a piece of wood to mount the fuse panel and screw the fuse panel to the wood. Keeps from messing up the firewall.
    Atwater Mike, loudbang and F&J like this.
  22. goldmountain
    Joined: Jun 12, 2016
    Posts: 4,759


    I wiring really enjoy wiring. Back in the early 70's Rod & Custom ran a wiring article that showed an underseat wiring panel in a T bucket and I thought that it looked awesome and I got hooked into how to do it. There was also pictures of Tom McMullen's work behind the dash of his '32 hiboy where his looms were carefully laced together. Did lots of fancy wiring from scratch. However, much as how I would like to do another similar effort on my current T coupe, with the limited space I have to work with and how small fuse panels have become; I opted for an EZ wiring kit.
    34toddster and stanlow69 like this.
  23. Doctorterry
    Joined: Sep 12, 2015
    Posts: 685


    I love wiring!! The options are endless. I'm going through an electric Tech. Program right now. Electrical is very simple, it just gets confusing.

    Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
    34toddster and czuch like this.
  24. tfeverfred
    Joined: Nov 11, 2006
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    I wired my first T Bucket myself and it took a day. Looking back, a kit would have saved me multiple trips to Radio Shack, so this time around, I plan on using a kit.
    czuch likes this.
  25. Mike Colemire
    Joined: May 18, 2013
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    Mike Colemire

    I like wiring as much as I like block sanding.
    Black_Sheep and blowby like this.
  26. scrap metal 48
    Joined: Sep 6, 2009
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    scrap metal 48

    Me..Nothing more rewarding then wiring a hot rod.. Especially starting with just an old fuse block and a bunch of different colored wire.. Take it one circuit at a time....
    Doctorterry and loudbang like this.
  27. Slopok
    Joined: Jan 30, 2012
    Posts: 2,946


    It's nice when you feel like not getting dirty and after you connect a wire and that component works it's rather rewarding!
  28. I really can't say that I love wiring but I don't mind doing it. Mount the fuse panel in a easy to get at place. Separate your wire into 3 bundles... headlights, motor and such to the front of the car, the dash lights, ignition switch and such leave on the front floorboard and finally tail lights & fuel tank sending unit and whatever to the rear. Take your time and above all be neat!
    loudbang likes this.
  29. Blue One
    Joined: Feb 6, 2010
    Posts: 11,491

    Blue One
    from Alberta

    I’m not afraid of wiring that’s for sure.
    I do appreciate a well made kit and clear instructions.

    I actually like wiring just don’t like the way the Rebel kit is put together or the instructions.

    I bought the Rebel kit early on in my build when I was into the intensive hunting and gathering of parts phase.

    As a result I’ve bought parts (and sold them :D) and bought other parts :D

    Now that I’m at the wiring stage I don’t think I would have bought what I did.

    I’ll be listing it for sale eventually.

    I’ll be calling American Autowire tomorrow.
    trollst likes this.
  30. dan griffin
    Joined: Dec 25, 2009
    Posts: 505

    dan griffin

    I love it. Run an extra wire or two from the dash to the engine and back of the body so 2 years from now when add a new trinket your wired.
    olscrounger and 1stGrumpy like this.

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