A very rare 55 Chevy with the wiper motor inside the car!!!! 99.99999 % are on the firewall. Those cables and pulleys really are a nightmare though! Rain-X works. As for driving in the rain. this is the Sunshine State............... It never rains. The ocean and Gulf just takes a dump every other day.
A roadster pals says the way to go is have heated seats. They keep your butt dry when everything else is getting wet. Anybody use them?
The only traditional roadsters with heated seats are in the desert. I've never seen any deserts in Chicago.
Drove the '40 from Rapid City, SD to Denver a few years ago in a pouring rainstorm. Had to drive about 40-50 MPH the whole way 'cuz it was at night and the rain never let up a bit. We always seem to get caught in a rainstorm at least a few times a month here. It is a just a car after all though, and it's not much fun if you're afraid to drive it.
Hell, my MOM drives her real deal LS6 Chevelle in the snow at least a couple of times a year. It's NW Washington, we have to drive them whenever we can.
Coming back from the LARS 2012 and heading home to N.C. almost put on 7000 miles . Love driving in the rain
My 29 dodge 4dr sedan is my daily driver till the snow flies.....have had 38 years and it hasn't melted in the rain yet
My daughter has been with me a couple times out in the roadster when we hit rain she always laughs and smiles and has fun with it, wife is a totally diffrent story.