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Who/What introduced YOU to the hamb?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by briggs&strattonChev, Feb 21, 2004.

  1. briggs&strattonChev
    Joined: Feb 20, 2003
    Posts: 2,236


    hey guys. I noticed its my one year birthday here on the hamb today. There must be some good stories on how you guys/gals ended up here, whether your a newbie or an original, so how'd it happen? For me, I was told by 59BuickWagon around new years eve 2 years ago. I was in florida at DISNEY WORLD of all places and I was getting on a tram and he walked up to me and saw I had a so cal speed jacket so he asked if I had a car. We talked for awhile and he asked me if ive heard of the HAMB. I hadnt and he told me its great to find info and parts for our shitpiles. He gave me his card and wrote the website down. So, when I got home and lurked for about a month and finally signed up. Its been very cool thanks guys (especially Dennis [​IMG]).

    Who/What introduced YOU to the hamb??

    Briggs (permanent junior member lol)


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  2. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
    Posts: 20,765


    It was JohnB who I was dating at the time. He was surfing the HAMB at my place and I was lurking over his shoulder. This was about 4 years ago or so. It was not the place for me at the time. I did lurk off and on for over 2 years before I finally decided the HAMB's unusual message board style suited me, so I registered and did and intro. The rest is history.
  3. Radshit
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 1,420


    Kustoms by TSR !

    I miss those bitchin street racing pics....(hint) [​IMG] (hint) [​IMG]
  4. C. Montgomery
    Joined: Dec 18, 2003
    Posts: 1,010

    C. Montgomery

    Andy from Kerrville...I bought some hubcaps off him-he told me about it, and I've been cursed ever since!!!!
  5. Daddy-O(Scott) from Cleveland turned me on to the HAMB.

    I met him at 2003 Detroit Panel Jam. He was telling me all about it and the Friday Art show. There were a couple of other Hamber's there he pointed out. One guy had a kool HAMB t-shirt on. Safariknut was there but, I hadn't met him yet ( Me too shy ).

    I lurked for a couple of weeks. I was really digging it. I thought the place was really wild, and mistook Denise's signature for a literal translation ( You goof, Joel ).

    Anyway, It was a post by Zenor that got me hooked ( African-American drag racers on MLK day ). Posted very lame intro and had 9 welcomes ( Thanks guys ).

    Since then, I've made many new friends both here in Chicago, Michigan and elsewhere.

    I hit the board at least 2-3 times a day. Funny thing is I had the Jalopy Journal booked marked for a solid year before that and never knew the HAMB was just a click away.

    Long live the HAMB. Where we put the brother in Brotherhood.

    Joel [​IMG]
  6. I was introduced by "google." I was looking for some advice on doing a steering column swap and did a search for a hot rod/custom message board and up popped the HAMB. Of course like the dumbass I am I posted a question without the proper introduction and got slagged by the intro police. Been hooked ever since.....
  7. Missing Link
    Joined: Sep 9, 2002
    Posts: 865

    Missing Link

    I got drunk one night and ran a Beer Goggle search for "rockeriffic fagabilly retro cuff rat rod pompadorable rust infested Pabst Blue Ribbon hot rod tattoo greaser dilznik traditional K-K-K-K-Kustom Fink Von Dutch brill cream Barris just like the 50's bro duck's ass SWC flathead shitbox"...
    I was hoping to find a porno sight but ended up here... [​IMG] [​IMG]
    I have not been the same since. [​IMG]
    God Bless the HAMB! I love it! And I love you all!
  8. Kustoms by TSR for me as well. I still have a tshirt.
  9. GRADY
    Joined: Jun 23, 2002
    Posts: 442


    I blane Eyeball and Cjahcker
    thanks guys
  10. Paul
    Joined: Aug 29, 2002
    Posts: 16,710


    the first time,

    about four or five years ago I just stumbled in,

    got my head bit off, and went back out to the garage.

    the second time..

    I think it was a link on one of David Perry's sites?


  11. Gracie
    Joined: Apr 19, 2001
    Posts: 1,257


    Axle told me about it... we were laughing at arguments over Marky's Purple People Eater.

    How I met Axle?

    I don't remember.
  12. JamesG
    Joined: Nov 5, 2003
    Posts: 5,249


    Found it through Jalopy Journal.......
  13. seymour
    Joined: Jan 22, 2004
    Posts: 5,125

    from PNW

    My buddy Frank recently told me about HAMB.
  14. Anderson
    Joined: Jan 27, 2003
    Posts: 7,499


    I don't even remember. I think there was a link on some webpage. Funny thing is, I'd been all over the Jalopy Journal, and didn't realize the HAMB was part of it untill a few weeks after I'd joined up. Took even longer to realize Ryan's '38 was the one on the Journal homepage. I'm usually not that dense.
  15. Humboldt Cat
    Joined: Feb 20, 2003
    Posts: 2,235

    Humboldt Cat
    from Eureka, CA

    Hey Briggs, you and I share the same 'starter day' on the HAMB, what a trip.
    I came across a link to the HAMB through web cruisin' other car sites. Somehow veered off the coarse people's webpages of their custom trucks, and suddenly found a link to this big mag wheel, with these different sections to it. Before I figured there was an actual message board on it, I got into the articles on events and cars. Some of the articles seemed kinda dated, it made me wonder how a website stayed in existence with outdated material on it. THEN I saw the messageboard, and quickly got hooked... which is really different for me, since I'm usually not a chat-room kinda guy. I think I'm THE Humboldt chapter of HAMB, and am trying to give it some of word of mouth, locally. Who knows what the year ahead will bring with that.
    Happy HAMB Day, Briggs!
    briggs&strattonChev likes this.
  16. Tuck
    Joined: May 14, 2001
    Posts: 5,859

    Tech Editor
    from MINNESOTA
    1. Early Hemi Tech

    Link off of Aarons site Hot Rod Deluxe

  17. briggs&strattonChev
    Joined: Feb 20, 2003
    Posts: 2,236


    [ QUOTE ]
    you and I share the same 'starter day' on the HAMB

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hey thats cool, one year feels good doesnt it?
  18. lowandgold59
    Joined: Sep 30, 2003
    Posts: 56


    (i never post, but i'm always reading)
  19. Humboldt Cat
    Joined: Feb 20, 2003
    Posts: 2,235

    Humboldt Cat
    from Eureka, CA

    [ QUOTE ]
    one year feels good doesnt it?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Makes ya wonder about HAMB traditions on starter-birthdays, if any there be. That party at hotrodladycruzer's posted live, a few months ago, seems like a tough act to follow, yet it'd be cool to see more of those in-progress hot rod parties 'n BBQ's. But HAMB'ers have been generous year-round, so I don't wanna push the envelope. 'Sides: My 30th REAL birthday's next month... [​IMG]
  20. fab32
    Joined: May 14, 2002
    Posts: 13,985

    Member Emeritus

    Fuelpump and Hatch kept telling me about this cool message board that catered to old style rods and customs. I finally started lurking and true to my nature couldn't keep my mouth shut so I joined up. I've met some terrific people and have had a ball reliving the kind of cars I grew up with. THANKS RYAN !!!!
    Still can't post pictures, if I learn how I'll bore you to death


  21. desertdroog
    Joined: Nov 16, 2001
    Posts: 1,020


    Surfed on in while scouring the net looking for more TSR Kustom action when there was none to be had many moons ago.
  22. Greezy
    Joined: May 11, 2002
    Posts: 1,440


    I didnt even own a computer until assdragger showed me the HAMB. That and internet porn. Went out the next day and got me a puter. I think hes been on my wifes poo poo list since. [​IMG]
  23. I actually ran into FarmerJohn in the grociery store. I was wearing my old car club jacket, and he asked if it was a local club or not at the check out line. I got to know 'em after that, finding out he lived just down the block from me! He led me into the HAMB, and that's how that happened.
  24. I used to be on the original RRT quite a bit.
    Seems like someone over there mentioned the JJ and I wandered over.
    Checked in as a lurker a few times, asked a few questions and answered a few others.
    Never did do an intro and no one hassled me.

    A little ways down the line the Great Flame War erupted.
    Seemed like it was getting settled down ok and then the guy running the old RRT pulled the plug and it was off the air.

    Hung out here pretty regular and then FatCat fired up the new RRT.

    The RRT and the HAMB are the only two hot rod places I hang out.
    Looked in at a few others, but found them lacking.
    The HAMB and the RRT are the only two places I've found where you can get good information that is not re-hashed bullshit somebody heard somewhere else.
    Guys and gals at both places post experience and knowledge and when you get right down to it, that's what it's all about.

    I've been fortunate in meeting some of the RRT'rs and HAMB'rs and made some good friends.

    People come and people go at both sites, but there's a core of enthusiasts that remain and they are what makes both the HAMB and RRT what they are.
    Slightly different places, but in the end, people who enjoy the hobby for what it is and what it can be and who are always striving to improve their skills.

    Taking part in both sites pretty much makes my day.... [​IMG]
  25. Kanadia Kev
    Joined: Jun 24, 2002
    Posts: 176

    Kanadia Kev

    Wow cars told me about it years ago. so when got home i came here, but i just didnt "get it" know theres not alot to get but i didnt. then about a year later Tuck told me to get on the hamb, after the meeting at Back to the fiffties. once ya know people on here and know whats going on it alot more interesting. who build'n what whos go'en where...etc etc. the one thing i gota say is, there seemed to be alot more drama go'en on then, then now. but its all good. thanks to the H.A.M.B.
  26. flip7262
    Joined: Sep 26, 2003
    Posts: 128

    from Minnesota

    Lucky_1974 told me about the HAMB. I don't post alot, but I'm here everyday reading what the rest of you have to say. I'm learning alot from all of you, thanks.

    Joined: May 11, 2001
    Posts: 992


    i found it by "accident" searching for kustom car sites...obviously i don't post much (150 posts in over 2 1/2 years), but i lurk all the time, always need my fix...maybe if i was a little more literate & could post pictures, i'd have more to contribute, but i'm definately addicted...bob...
  28. Fastsporty
    Joined: Feb 8, 2003
    Posts: 309


    He used to send me links now and again, I didn't lurk just read stuff he sent me. Then one day he sends me the joke link about the prostreet S-10 guy that wanted to turn his truck into a rat rod (it was really him) well I signed up just to post some shit on him. Lights and sirens started flashing and the Intro police came out. HaHa.
    Well its been just over a year and I hope I was able to contribute some value to the HAMB. I know I have learned so much and I am grateful.

    Oh and by the way, Nads FUCK OFF. signed the WHIZ

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  29. fleetmaster
    Joined: Jan 21, 2004
    Posts: 168


    I was first introduced to the HAMB by wayfarer a couple months ago. he told me about it off and on and how great it was. it wasn't until i suffered extremely hard time with the passing of my father that i came here. wayfarer told me that many kind HAMBrs wanted to help with the project i started with my dad and were sending parts. i had to see what this was all about so i signed up-and have been here ever since. it's a great place!
  30. a/fxcomet
    Joined: Mar 31, 2001
    Posts: 554

    from Eugene, OR

    I lurked quite a bit on the old RRT. Then all of the sudden it got cut and I wound up over here. Not sure if I even posted an intro?

    Thank you Ryan for all of the fun!

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