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Why aren't hot rods selling?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 49' bomb!, Dec 16, 2019.

  1. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 32,002


    I've never had the funds to just go out and buy someone's Hot Rod, there may be a few others building their own from parts. Bob
    Cliff Ramsdell and Duellym like this.
  2. Gman0046
    Joined: Jul 24, 2005
    Posts: 6,256


    Decent hot rods are selling. Some you couldn't give away. I recently sold a nut & bolt frame off restored 63 Impala with no problems. The Streetrod markets is in the toilet. Nice 50's and 60's cars are selling.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2019
  3. 49' bomb!
    Joined: Nov 21, 2016
    Posts: 143

    49' bomb!

  4. 49' bomb!
    Joined: Nov 21, 2016
    Posts: 143

    49' bomb!

    Great input Jim! It's very hard to deal with guys nowadays, they want to beat you out of $5,000 before they even come and look at it.... Everyone wants to try to play you! how how can you get a good price when you're dealing with these kind of people...
    INVISIBLEKID and AHotRod like this.
  5. 32Dan
    Joined: Nov 22, 2017
    Posts: 139

    from Chino, CA


    I frequent the NHRA Twilight Cruise and just a few years ago if you didn’t get there before 2 pm you were parking in the back behind the museum! Now they’re lucky to fill the front parking lot. I do think it is the younger generation not interested or no how to get started in the hobby.
  6. wvenfield
    Joined: Nov 23, 2006
    Posts: 5,627


    Wanting 5k off a 50k car is the same as offering a hundred less on a thousand dollar car.
    OLSKOOL57, OFT and Old wolf like this.
  7. stubbsrodandcustom
    Joined: Dec 28, 2010
    Posts: 2,524

    from Spring tx

    Were upping it to 6 times a week soon... Just kidding... You are right though... a very drug in the dirt topic...
    LOU WELLS, weps and Tim like this.
  8. wicarnut
    Joined: Oct 29, 2009
    Posts: 9,170


    "It Is What It Is", my favorite expression these days, covers many subjects.
    0NE BAD 51 MERC likes this.
  9. Country Joe
    Joined: Jan 16, 2018
    Posts: 543

    Country Joe

    Mine too but, apparently it's only worth $126.00. o_O
  10. Chainsaw chipper
    Joined: Nov 29, 2007
    Posts: 385

    Chainsaw chipper
    from Illinois

    Well I for one think we should just keep saying hot rods are dead,the hobby is for old guys,young people are not interested,cars cost too much and what ever negative thing we can throw at it and one of two things will will be right or you will be wrong.
  11. alanp561
    Joined: Oct 1, 2017
    Posts: 5,133


    First fulltime job I had after I graduated high school in '62 paid me $56 a week. Adjust that to todays money and it comes out to $468.97. Todays $25,000 car would figure out to $2985.98 in 1962 which was way out of my price range then. In 1962, something equivalent to the 15 year old OT daily driver my 22 year old grandson just bought for $2500 would have been worth $298.53. That would have been just about the limit that I could allow myself to spend back then.
    jimgoetz likes this.
  12. alanp561
    Joined: Oct 1, 2017
    Posts: 5,133


    Let me get this straight, are you are willing to accept $126.00 'cause if you are, we got a deal.;)
  13. Gizzy
    Joined: Jan 20, 2008
    Posts: 767

    from N.W,Ohio's not like tv where as soon as your get it together somebody is at your door with a fist full of money
    Old wolf likes this.
  14. Sporty45
    Joined: Jun 1, 2015
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  15. 49' bomb!
    Joined: Nov 21, 2016
    Posts: 143

    49' bomb!

    These reality shows, wheeler dealers, iron ressuraction, etc. Where do they
    Get these guys showing up with bags
    Of $$$$$? This can't be reality.....
    Old wolf likes this.
  16. Stephen Barrett
    Joined: Sep 24, 2019
    Posts: 777

    Stephen Barrett

    I can relate to what you said about people not knowing how to negotiate. I here what's your lowest all the time. Pretty annoying. I have a hard time just getting them to just come and look at what I have. What ever happened to tire kickers. Now all I ever get "is this still available". You say yes and you never here from them again. WTF!
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2019
    Blownfuel, papajohn and 49' bomb! like this.
  17. Ron Brown
    Joined: Jul 6, 2015
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    Ron Brown

    I believe a major reason is the cost of living in general today...In Calif. $4.50 gal gas, taxes that are off the hook high, vehicle registration that averages $600 a year, per vehicle, housing costs, medical insurances, food costs, everything needed to just get by day to day is ridiculously high, cant hardly go out to dinner anymore for less than $40/$50 a couple and a 10% tip anymore will get you sneered at by the hostess... tires for a car anymore can easily reach $1000, plus taxes, plus road use fees and fees to get rid of your old tires and, the list goes on and on...Most familys are two wage earners, not because you want too, but because you have this, tax that, tax, tax, tax...Jesus Christ, it never gets cheaper, only gets higher. Gov says people aren't saving enough for retirement, probably true, but at the cost of living its tough to put much away, then even your retirement gets taxed, so most people cant afford to put much away and when you do, they take about half of it away from you come retirement time....any way you look at it, a hobby car is just that, a hobby car and not a "needed" item in todays household.
  18. I listened to my pops back in the day. Started workin when I was 14. He told me to put away 10 to 15% in savings. Which I did. Then when I opened my body shop when I came back from Nam, used the GI bill to get a small business loan. After the loan was payed off started investing 10/15% every year in Real Estate. After 35 years had a real nice nest egg to retire on @ 57 years old. Liquidated all my real estate with in 1 year when the market was crazy. Set for life now. and have been for the last 14 years. All you youngn's out there think about it. SAVE and Invest. Another he told me was "If ya can't go first class, don't go"
    Atwater Mike, raven, Gman0046 and 2 others like this.
  19. Lloyd's paint & glass
    Joined: Nov 16, 2019
    Posts: 10,138

    Lloyd's paint & glass

    Ok i thought this HAMB was about building cars? Do i need to sell my car now? I'm so damn confused
  20. dumprat
    Joined: Dec 27, 2006
    Posts: 3,553

    from b.c.

    Quit worrying about selling stuff and go build something!

    This shit is not an investment. It is supposed to be fun. If you got in for the money you are here for the wrong reasons.
    RmK57, CrazyDaddy, Cosmo49 and 12 others like this.
  21. 19Fordy
    Joined: May 17, 2003
    Posts: 8,260


    I think a lot of folks want to buy a car that is completely done but,
    don't want to pay what it's worth. They want to "steal it" not
    step up and buy it for a fair price.
  22. As a young guy(26) I’ll give my opinion on the subject. A lot of the younger people can’t afford these cars.. too many people asking crazy prices for a rotted shell.. it’s not easy for a 20something year old to move out on their own, pay bills, spend crazy money on a project to start and spend money on a dependable car to get back and forth to worth.

    Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
  23. what does hot rod mean?
    pre 49 only or
    stuff you see here only or
    modifying cars in general?

    Im curious
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2019
    ffr1222k likes this.
  24. Lloyd's paint & glass
    Joined: Nov 16, 2019
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    Lloyd's paint & glass

    Oh no you didn't Anthony!!! Lol
    arkiehotrods likes this.
  25. Yep
    I’m a bad boy
  26. Stephen Barrett
    Joined: Sep 24, 2019
    Posts: 777

    Stephen Barrett

    I think if you're building a car the HAMB and everybody here can be very helpful but I don't think it's only about building them yourself. If you have the skills and space great. I got my car already built mostly because I would rather work with something already together. Building a car from scratch is a huge endeavor. I have a lot of respect for people who do but I don't have the time needed to take on a full build. I do enjoy working on my car but building is a whole other skill set. As far as selling a car it's 9 times out of 10 to get another one or finish a project you are working on. So what ever gets you to your goal. Plus I always have my eye on something else. But that's just me.
  27. Seem's the higher the prices, the cheaper we get. lot's of factors contribute to this....... This ain't the 80's anymore guys.........WE (US) (YOU) are jacking up the prices........ Should you? Yes, Why might you ask?
    Because the market shows it....... At least in a sense..........
    NOW the younger guy see's this as WAY outta place=NO WAY. They can have a vast majority of vehicles/HP on the cheap......
    OUR=YOURS/MINE are always going to be around, and for sale at one point, but here is the jist.........
    Two camps= call BS if you don't get it= Youngin's just starting out, old guard trying to get a swinging deal.(this is buying) Selling is trying to hold on, especially if you paid someone to do your work for you.
    Now a days, unless your fortunate in some way or another, =NOT gonna happen.
    Even though your ride is worth in your eye's XXXXXXX, doesn't mean it's gonna fetch that #, and you'll have to wait it out to sell. I'm not condoning fire sales, but ALL this bitching about things, just grab a lil reality for a moment.....
    it's an evolving world, and some better get used to it-like it or not...........
    0NE BAD 51 MERC and Old wolf like this.
  28. T. Turtle
    Joined: May 20, 2018
    Posts: 539

    T. Turtle

    Looking at this thread with envious eyes. I'm in Europe so any hot rod (I'm talking about a trad, prewar one) is stupidly expensive if street legal as - unless you retain the original type engine - we have such a thing as type approval which is a PAIN. And that applies to anyone regardless of your age. Re. young vs old, from what I see on our equivalents of Cars & Coffee there is strong interest in cars in general from the younger generation but obviously if you're in your 20s the chances you'd be able to stretch to the obvious suspects (muscle car era vehicles) are slim, so if they're into American cars they're likely to go for the 70s-80s smog era cars. But those give them a first taste and once funds are available the next vehicle will be older including "our" kind of car. I think our problem is more possible emission rules and taxes which may be set by our idiotic administration (EU and Member State. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would be a mainstream member of any of our Green parties) which will legalize us out, not something you have to worry about unless you live in a crazy place like California (?). Then we'll have lots of cheap cars no one can afford to drive...
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2019
    mrquickwhip and Old wolf like this.
  29. reefer
    Joined: Oct 17, 2001
    Posts: 787


    A lot of cars here in England seem to be for sale and are not selling.. not genuine old cars but streetrods and abortions, since the DVLA started looking into hooky registrations... fibreglass cars using any old reg documents.

    Genuine old cars and parts are very expensive. Since the £ tanked against the $, the exchange went from @ 1.55 to @1.19, so sourcing cars and bits Stateside has become hard ( for most).. you could expect to pay the equivalent price in £’s as the sticker price in $’s after shipping and duty but now it’s more.Model A’s were as cheap as chips but now are advertised in the teens or higher, a 36/40 rear axle is @ £750 ($900)..40’s steel wheels are over £100 each($120)...Brookville deuce roadster body @£12,000 ($14,400).
    There are still cars being built but not as many... every other week we hear of another guy dying or business closing down and the scene over here in minute compared to the US to start with.I looked at starting another build but made the mistake(?) of pricing out the full build... total non starter at today’s prices.
    I can never say never but I doubt I’ll build another HotRod , I’ve had over 40 years of great times and preferred it when Joe Public hadn’t a clue what a HotRod was, now with all the exposure ,they are all “experts” and think any old Jalopy with a blue oval is worth a fortune..... that f***ing term “ barn find”does my nut in.
  30. Jimbo17
    Joined: Aug 19, 2008
    Posts: 3,959


    I sell old racing decals from the 50's and 60's and I have people call me to ask which state was Lions Drag Strip located in?

    People under the age of 40 don't remember these old racing decals and it is the exact same thing that is going on with old cars.

    Old guy's remember this kind of stuff but for the most part young people born after 1980 remember the cars they saw growing up unless your dad was into old cars.

    Think of this way when you were growing up drag racing was big in the 60's and over the years is now going through the exact same thing has old cars are going through which is a lack of interest.

    For the longest time everyone want a car from the 50's and then it was the 60' and early 70's and now I believe the cars from the late 70's and on up are more popular for your people because it is what they remember!

    Trying to sell a car from the 30's and 40's to me means you are looking at an age group that remembers those cars or maybe your dad has one.
    When selling a car ask your self who you think would be interested in that year car.

    I see cars listed for sale on the HAMB every month for years and in my opinion they must just like looking at their car for sale because no one in their right mind is going to pay what they are asking or maybe even make an offer when the price is like pie in the sky high.

    Just my opinion. Jimbo

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