This is probably gonna get goofy, but as I am planning the chop on my car, I got thinking (always dangerous). I was explaining to a non-car guy the other day that I was planning to chop my 52, then had to explain what theat meant and why in the world anyone would do such a here are some reasons I thought of: Nothing good on TV Makes it easier to reach the top while washing your car Too many off-topic posts on the HAMB Better chance of flying below the cops' radar Safety: The car behind you can see the brake lights of the car in front of you just as well as you can. This gives the driver behind you more reaction time. Because you can Your bottles of welding gas were too full anyway. You can't afford enough glass to fill the stock window openings. Less upholstery, too! Your windows wouldn't crank all the way back up anyway. Try out your (or a buddy's) new reciprocating saw Neighbors complain that you haven't been making enough noise lately. Had to have some excuse for not mowing or taking out the trash
Your new rabbit fur headliner was too far away to cop a good feel. Your an ugly ass mofo and this hides your fugly ass a little better. You've been too way too many "Monster Truck Extravaganzas" You can't get laid. You don't have a job.
You suffer from Chronic Agorophobia, and the lowered roofline feels safer as it feels more enclosed, and therefore creates a calming effect.
It gives you an excuse to knock the shit out of your head on the window surrond. It also keeps you from ordering those pesky route 44 drinks from sonic because they are to tall to fit through the window opening now.
stock to ugly in the first place esy to wash roof when it's chopt saves gas milage and why you need that exrta space above you head if you look @ some 2004 cars they look like have roofs chopt
[ QUOTE ] Your bottles of welding gas were too full anyway. [/ QUOTE ] What does a Pirate use to weld? ARRRRRRRgon!
On my eastward commute this A.M. I remembered another reason--- Eliminates the need for sun visors! ...and... Your bottle of Rain-X will last longer!
Because my grage doors broke and wont open all the way and Im to lazzy to fix it. My wife wanted to put her new car in there but she changed her mind when I got out the sawsall
In my case? Because of severe depression brought on by marital dysfunction and subsequent divorce. Because I needed to hone my skills with a stick welder. Because jigsaw blades were on sale by the gross at Thomas Lumber. Because I needed a severe racoon like burn on my face from using gas welding goggles to stick weld. Because Bondo was on sale in 5 gallon buckets at Dollar General. Because fiber discs on a Sears sander/polisher are all I had to grind the welds. Thank God stick welds are softer than mig welds, otherwise that car would still not be finished....wait a minute, it's still not finished!!!! Because there was one place in Orlando that would rent out a garage space to let people work on their cars. Because I'm a sucker for punishment.
[ QUOTE ] the closer the top is to the sun the hoter it gets and I just wanted to cool it dowm a bit. [/ QUOTE ] I was just gonna say something about cutting down on the solar gain/greenhouse effect! Makes your car cooler AND kooler!
Less windshield to scrape the ice off of in the winter. Shorter top makes a better rifle rest when poaching deer. Easier to clean off that bird shit at an outdoor car show.
[ QUOTE ] Because I said so, that's why. (That line always sounded good when my dad used to say it!) Sam. [/ QUOTE ] My dad used to say "You want something to cry about? I'll give you something to cry about". Or "Don't make me pull this car over"
1. Less area skratch off ice 2. Less displacement to heat 3. Easier to wipe snow off the roof 4. It's fun to give stupid answers to questions like: WHY?