EPISODE 8: Show Time! (Part IV/V) (Part V - continued below) <script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script><fb:like-box href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wild-Childs/130345530376900?ref=ts#%21/pages/Wild-Childs/130345530376900?sk=info" width="292" show_faces="false" stream="false" header="true"></fb:like-box>
EPISODE 8: Show Time! (Part V/V) We can't leave without stopping to say hey to a friend... Thanks for putting on the show Ray! We love and miss you buddy... Ray Farhner... <script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script><fb:like-box href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wild-Childs/130345530376900?ref=ts#%21/pages/Wild-Childs/130345530376900?sk=info" width="292" show_faces="false" stream="false" header="true"></fb:like-box>
What? Not ready to go home yet?.. Alllright!.... Let's pick up Dave. Kansas City Car Shows, late 50s & early 60s
Man, Justin, these pictures bring back a lot of memories. I grew up at the car shows in Kansas City and a lot of these cars were there every year. Changed each year, or changed totally. I sure hope that you have a big stack of pictures to come. Thanks, Dave
Yours beat the hell out of mine this week! I love it. Sadly, like your's, I have a ton of 'em that are damaged. Way more than I have in good shape. I mean, I have huge one foot square bricks of photos that are melted together. Depending on how those come apart though, we may be in for two life-times of posts on here . If not, no worries though, there's still plenty of good ones to go around. We'll be doing this a long time yet for sure. For example, I just found a ton from Farhner's place too. The x-ray being built and I don't know what all. From what I'm seeing, I think the best stuff is yet to come. Luckily, everyone took a ton of pictures. I envy you man. I wish I could have been there. I've flipped through these piles my whole life; it would have been amazing to see it.
Hey Justin, Just an idea . .. I was a photo major at the Kansas City Art Institute in the mid-80s, never really did anything with it, but one of my instructors there, Gary Sutton - hot rod guy, if anybody would know anything about restoring your photographs, Gary would be the guy. I know it can be done. Thanks, Dave
Wow--you just know these guys were trouble. Don't even have to think twice about it. Cheap sunglasses, stogies and beer in the car. That's a good time waiting to happen. Their wives hated it when they hung out.
Between you and rgsdave lots of good stuff to look at!! Thanks for sharing some of the coolest shit I've ever seen! I hope to make it up to check out the shop sometime and meet you.
Hey Dave, Do you still keep in touch with that teacher? I wonder if he still teaches over there. I live in Hyde Park; I could just walk over if he holds office hours.
Just saw the Widow Maker on a friend's Facebook page. The caption read, "Nov 2011 ol' skool rodz." Congrats Dave; wasn't sure if you knew.
Time to try out an idea and pit for a friend. Wild Child's is off to Bonneville! Speed Week (2011) <script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script><fb:like-box href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wild-Childs/130345530376900?ref=ts#%21/pages/Wild-Childs/130345530376900?sk=info" width="292" show_faces="false" stream="false" header="true"></fb:like-box>
dave thomssen from lincoln ne. kenne bell blown 8BA driven by his grandson. i belive the body is one of rich venza's
^and Ryan Krejci. Ryan is the driver. Dave Thomssen built and has raced this particular car at Bonneville since the 1980s; he builds all the engines and is a flathead guru. Very cool car! ...but alright friends, to avoid getting too far off, I suppose it's time to clean up the thread from all the fun this weekend and get back to the story . Out of respect, we wouldn't want to bundle all of Dave and Ryan's hard work with ours. SO - on with the show!
Scheduled Programming Interruption For our friends following the building construction progress - Episode 3: Making Waves is now up on The Garage Journal. Beginning on page three (Post #41) - Enjoy Everybody! http://www.garagejournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=105339&page=3 Wild Child's will be updating soon. <script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script><fb:like-box href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wild-Childs/130345530376900?ref=ts#%21/pages/Wild-Childs/130345530376900?sk=info" width="292" show_faces="false" stream="false" header="true"></fb:like-box>
One more Interruption Again, for everyone following our building progress - Episode 4: Blank Slate is now up on The Garage Journal. Beginning on page three (Post #50) - Have a Good One Guys! http://www.garagejournal.com/forum/s...=105339&page=3
DAAAAYYYUUUUMMMMMMMM! Just read every post. G/J is next. The pics, the history, you have it amazing. What a story. You have a way with words and the pics are catalyst for the tale. Bro, start taking orders for the book. All the right people, all the right products, cool as hell. I am riveted.
Chris, Everyone had a ball man; on Sunday, the car made a record qualification run at 163mph. It just needed to be backed up Monday morning.. That's when things took an evil turn. Sunday night it rained its ass off, so on Monday morning's track no dice on the backup run. Everyone stayed to run it again after the track dried out though, so the process started all over. The car had been running hot all weekend, so the extra runs were pushing things to the limit. By this point, it was either swap engines, before everyone had to get back home to their duties, and beat/overheat another one - or run for broke. It was decided to run. A cracked block later and it was time for everyone to get back home. Since then, from what I hear, there's been exciting talk about next year all week. Good times man.
czuch, Thank you for taking the time to share such kool compliments friend. I wish you knew how well received the time actually was - and the same goes to everyone.. I'm glad you think it reads okay. I never can tell if the latest one tanks it. They're always so rushed. I wish I could explain all of this better; wish I had more time. The truth is, Pop doesn't have too long for the road, so I'm just tryin' to red-line it with every friend and favor saved up I've got to beat the clock. Truth is, even during Bonneville, I personally couldn't go. I stayed behind on things while my lady helped type my words into entries everywhere and take pictures on the go. Time with Pop is running out and I just hope this all measures up in the end. Pop's done a lot for me, and I owe him one last look at things the way they're supposed to end; I owe Pop the end of the story. That worn out building ain't it friends.. We're going to bring this back, one way or another, for one last look, and we have a year - maybe 18 months. I just can't leave it alone; it has to be done. A man is what he does, and I want him to go out thinking on that one last idea. Finding him on the couch alone ain't the way this is going to be. When it's all over, and there's nothing but time. I'll try and slow down and really tell the story so you'll know why it was all worth it to me - but until then... We got to run friends. Pop needs a hand. Wild Child's will be updating soon.
Hey Grim, Those are some pretty heavy thoughts. I hope you have time to fulfill all that you hope to do. Here's some quick help to improve some more Wild Child photos. If I had the originals I could probably do better, but at least you can get a clearer glimpse back in time! -Aaron
Man, I'm not much of a thief, but if I could travel back in time, I would totally boost that blue trike and do a wheelie! I really want one of those.
Aaron, I swear you're getting better and better at this man.. When I did that post, I threw in some randoms. That fogged 34 for example; at the time, it really didn't tug on my eye too much. Restored - good lord - I can't say enough.... Your time, talent, and labor spoil us in Kansas City man! Just wanted you to know; thanks for everything Aaron... (We'll get there brother - no choice! )