Anybody know how to or who can fix the spring in the key hole cover? I have an original 40 handle and the spring is broken as the cover won't spring shut. Thanks for the help. Bing Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
I've done it. First go on Ebay and search WILLYS deck handle lock, should come up buy it now $20. Once you have it you have to very carefully pry the cap off making sure you don't lose any small bits. There is another tiny pin under the cap for the spring. Then very carefully do the same to your handle and use the new parts to fix the old. Good luck
Ok I found the ebay item but explain the pry the cap off part. Are you talking about the key hole door? It doesn't look like it will come off. Sorry if I'm a bit lost. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
I'm at work for another hour & a half. start a conversation and when I get Home I'll answer you and try to go into it in more detail