I know I posted earlier about wiring but this is my first time. has anyone out there wired a shoebox? any tips or info would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
I've wired 4 or 5 of 'em. Bein a cheap-ass, I always used a 70s GM [usually nova] wiring harness and fuse panel. Piece-a-cake. Helps if you use a GM column and alternator. I also used chevy engines 'cept for one Olds 350...
I plan to do a full-on tech post on this subject this summer... My shoebox needs it bad and I'm gonna give it to her.... hopefully with some much needed help from kustomcaraudio. HC
i just did a rewire on mine this winter...pretty easy stuff..used a ezwiring harness and converted over to 12 volt with an alternator....any questions, just let me know.
Ray, I have done this a few times, get my # from Dave F and give me a call. I will be home until 6 june. I might be in your neck of the woods soon for a few days. Tim
hey tim, good to hear from you man. let me know when you might be out here maybe you can stop by and gimme some pointers. Ray.............
On a *slightly* related note, do any of you shoebox owners have some good pictures of a mostly stock engine compartment? I'm building my 1/25th version of the '49 Ford I'll someday own and want to get the details right. Thanks! -Taylor
There was an article in Custom Rodder a few months back on wiring a shoebox. You can find the entire article and pictures here... http://customrodder.com/tech/0307cr_cable/ Hope this helps. Curt
The Custom Rodder article is a good reference. I beleived they use the Painless kit which is what I used and highly recommend. Only had trouble with the turn signals and the service rep talked me through it and also sent me a diagram. Just take your time and good luck!