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Hot Rods Working on the Vicky body, a build thread with pics

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Koz, Jun 21, 2020.

  1. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    Thanks for the heads up Jerry, (HomemadeHardtop57)! I'm watching your '34 build closely!

    As I'm using this purely as an actuator for the primary booster/MC so I need to remove the 10lb residual valve entirely. Both sides of this one will act more like a clutch circuit as the wheel cylinders and related springs and mechanics are not in the equation. All the actual brake functions are in the secondary circuit. Making a bit of progress but I need a few things I didn't have on hand.

    Using anything laying around the shop hence the Ford rod ends on the panhard and a shortened Chevy van two piece driveshaft now sectioned to about 20". The area behind the crossmember is for my fuel tank. While I'm waiting for parts I'm templating this tank up to fold and weld up of 16 Ga. steel.

    So far-
    PXL_20230118_165523145.jpg PXL_20230118_165547554.jpg
    catdad49, Hank37, dana barlow and 5 others like this.
  2. Never saw a master cylinder on top of the differential, interesting!
    WalkerMD and Koz like this.
  3. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    The car is pretty low and channelled 3" as well. There is absolutely no room under the floorboards for anything so I'm getting creative. If this works the way it should on paper, I'll have very responsive, reliable and most of all brutally effective brakes to make up for my screwed up feet. Probably not what most guys would want but a decent solution to an otherwise unacceptable compromise. The area over the rear is the only place I have to stuff the system in. The plumbing looks complicated because it's tucked into such a small area but is no more complicated than any other power brake setup. The only extra items is the primary MC/slave that has proved reliable on thousands of cars in the past.

    With the usual maintenance I see no safety concerns whatsoever. As a bonus, the power assist and pedal feel will be infinatelly tunable. Stopping will only be limited by the bias plys and who knows, they may eventually come out with a radial that ain't too ugly.
  4. nrgwizard
    Joined: Aug 18, 2006
    Posts: 2,938

    from Minn. uSA

    It's an interesting solution. I like it. Staying tuned to see how well it works. :) .
    Stogy likes this.
  5. No room on the fire wall or is the steering shaft in the way?
  6. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    I have firewall room but the power booster is just so ugly and it pushes my MC out over the hot header! By doing it this way I have the classic GM double cylinder on the firewall and nothing else in sight. All the other stuff is under the rear hatch, safe from road debris in the low car and away from heat sources that may compromise the brakes. I have plans for a hood but I don't want to run it all the time so ugly must be kept to a minimum.

    This is indeed a "hybrid" car, not truly traditional. I have the Vega steering because it just works so well. The front and rear panhard bars, although well hidden, would probably not have been there. When I have one on the road I drive the wheels off it so there are some compromises. When you pass it at 70 on the Parkway most people won't notice the off topic parts. I do want it to have the feel of a 1959-'60 car that I would have gooned over when I was 15. By being creative I have kept everything in line with Pa. scrub line requirements. No slow squirrels will be harmed around town, (like a few would be missed!). Best of all, I'm planning on keeping this one so I want to be able to drive it for a while. I'll be 71 next month and I'm looking for all the road time I can get including some pretty long road trips. As you get older you have less tolerance for things that never bothered you in your youth.
    catdad49, Stogy, GordonC and 4 others like this.
  7. My rod is a ten footer traditional, which is more than close enough for almost everyone who will ever look it over.
    It's smart to make compromises for comfort and today's highway speeds and condition.
  8. winduptoy
    Joined: Feb 19, 2013
    Posts: 3,651


    I'm following along and really digging the way this has gone...carry on
    Stogy likes this.
  9. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    Picked up a really nice '32/'33 PB radiator from indianmark on here for the Vicky. As usual I quickly destroyed any value to a restorer by removing all the Mopar brackets and inlet/outlets leaving me with a perfectly sized cooler behind the front crossmember and chopped grill shell. I started working on this while I wait for some more parts for the brake system. I decided to use this unit because the top tank just has such a cool look.

    A bunch of brake stuff arrived Thursday and is all in place already with some more expected Monday. I'm folding some new side brackets that will attach the radiator shell to the rad and some bottom brackets to lock the radiator to the crossmember, (with appropriate isolation of course). Then I can get get my water pump and fan in place and build as cool as is possible fan shroud. I can fit up to possibly an 18" fan for some major air flow but I'll probably end up with a 17" or so. I've fabbed some shrouds in the past that weren't too ugly. Pa. requires all mechanical fans to be shrouded if you don't run a full hood and they will pull you over for it.

    Where I'm at-
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    catdad49, Hank37, Stogy and 7 others like this.
  10. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    Making little progress each night. Just got beat up with my third round of Covid and back in action. I removed all the junk off the PB radiator and fabbed some side rails of 16ga. P&O. I need to fab a top bracket to take the radiator rods. New filler neck and bottom outlet ordered. I'll sweat them on to the radiator with some 50/50 lead when they arrive. Radiator fits ooh so nice.

    Finally got the pins out and welded up the stock Vicky hinges. Waiting for new oversize pins so I can ream the bores. I removed the side rails from the stock doors and shrank them to 27 1/2" long, (stock Vickys' were around 32", huge!). Bending up some new inner panels and braces. I do need to relocate the top hinge down as Vickys' only had two hinges. I can then reskin the doors and set some latches. I've made several sets of doors like this before and they always work sweet as long as I take my time and get them perfectly square and in plane. I'd like to use coupe latches and strikers along with the interior lifting rods although that may be a reach. Obviously the easy, and cheap, way out is the bear jaws but just a bit street roddy for my taste on this car.

    At a bit of disadvantage as I'm waiting for parts for my brake which are to arrive on the 15th. Until then I have to put off anything I need folded.

    Some pics-

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    catdad49, Stogy, winduptoy and 5 others like this.
  11. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    Not getting a lot of time to work on the Vicky right now but I have managed to get a few things finished. My parts arrived so I was able to get the rear slave cylinder in place and plumbed up. I milled a taper wedge spacer to set the primary circuit master cylinder on the correct plane on the firewall and bolted to the pedal assembly. Lots of parts in and others on order to at least get it running.

    I need to finish the fuel tank along with the filter mounting and lines and get the exhaust in place to begin the floor assembly and metalwork. I kind of mocked up a Sam-O-Ram to see how it looks. Actually I think a set of trips' would probably be the best but I've seen them so many times I'm thinking something a little different. Jurys out on this one.

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    catdad49, Hank37, Stogy and 7 others like this.
  12. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    Plumbing got a little busy but still pretty neat.
    catdad49, Stogy, dana barlow and 8 others like this.
  13. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    A little progress every few days. I folded up and sizzled together a 13.43 gallon tank to fit in the rear of the Vick. 16 ga. mild steel with all fixtures welded in and then sweat to the shell just in case. Made off some cardboard templates and then fabbed on the bench. Dropped in like a glove first try. Going to need to drill some mounting holes after I get the body off but other than that pretty easy to tie everything in.

    This tank looks pretty easy but it was a head scratcher to lay out. Finish up on the radiator and fan shroud this weekend. Almost ready for bodywork.

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    catdad49, Hank37, Stogy and 9 others like this.
  14. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    Fabbing floor pans an hour at a time. Still working in the driveway as the shop is full. Forming parts and tacking them together. Not my best work but ok under the conditions. I'm not crazy about the gift wrapped elephant look but I'm preserving every inch of interior space. It will look better when it's welded up and all seam sealed. I want to finish up and flip the body to finish underneath and paint the chassis this week and next so I can do final assembly before the end of the month. Just a few pics for your opinion,

    PXL_20230527_131751454.jpg PXL_20230527_131758902.jpg
    catdad49, Hank37, Stogy and 6 others like this.
  15. 276997235_10222653726064455_4864781713738316743_n.jpg Koz , I like your build on the Vicky ! This is my toy a 36 3 window wih a BBC .
    catdad49, Stogy and Koz like this.
  16. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    Hank, You're not far from me. Stop by if you're up this way. There's always fun stuff to look at in the shop. If I actually get this thing on the road this summer I'll catch you at some of the local runs I see you at.
    catdad49, Stogy, Hank37 and 2 others like this.
  17. I'll try to get up there send me your address .
    Stogy likes this.
  18. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    I'm assuming your "toy" has Reading Fairgrounds time. I should know this but who was the driver?
    This is my toy a 36 3 window wih a BBC .[/QUOTE]
    Stogy likes this.
  19. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    Working on the hood. I found an old one I had made for a a '31 on the loft that Homemadehardtop57 had punched for me a few years back. It just never got used. I was able to use the beads and about 1 1/2" of the hood off what I think was a '30's pickup hood to add a pretty close but no cigar pointy bead to the 18 ga. stock. Actually looks pretty decent and when the cowl band goes on nobody will know. Some simple clips front and rear will hold it on nicely.

    Working on the floors and interior structural metal now to get my doors hung. Baby steps add up. PXL_20230611_202854264.jpg PXL_20230608_181119990.jpg
    catdad49, Hank37, Stogy and 8 others like this.
  20. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    Working on sheetmetal and especially getting the doors done. I'm pretty busy in the shop so I'm only getting a couple hours on Sundays mostly to make any progress. Hinges needed to be sleeved for the correct pins and having much soul searching over the door thickness. I have decided to ditch the roll up windows in favor of the thinner roadster style doors. Floorboards went in nicely and seat base is right on the money. I had my trimmer over last week, (Homemadehardtop57), and nailed done some interior details. Just shooting it in primer as possible to keep the rust to a minimum.

    A couple pics as an update just to show I haven't been sleeping all the time. The flush fit Vicky doors are not tough but somewhat detailed. Lots of time in the fitup.

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  21. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    Just a side note. The left side door is not fit yet. They do go flush when fitted. I am using '30/31 roadster latches and interior rod lifts along with the stock exterior handles. Pretty neat setup but a bunch of work to function properly in the reworked vicky doors. I'll post pics as I progress.

    I need to finish the doors before I set the windshield posts at the proper angle. Trying to come up with something cool to do for a windshield wiper as required for Pa. inspection. Probably some goofy lift off thing I can throw under the seat between inspections.
    catdad49, Stogy, winduptoy and 2 others like this.
  22. GordonC
    Joined: Mar 6, 2006
    Posts: 3,376


    Looks good. Nice proportions from the side...
    Stogy, winduptoy and Koz like this.
  23. Six Ball
    Joined: Oct 8, 2007
    Posts: 6,511

    Six Ball
    from Nevada

    I agree it is looking good, much better than I expected in the beginning. Your vision was beyond me but not I see!
    Stogy, winduptoy and Koz like this.
  24. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    I did some full size drawings of the car before I cut the roof off. It is actually pretty small, 99 1/2" wheelbase, four inches short of a stock A. The body is stock height with a 3" channel, stock width but shortened 6 1/4". The wheelwells are moved up 4 1/2" to center the rear tires in the arch. I still need to make a few filler pieces to take up the slack. Everything is pretty much up in the frame so the car can pass scrubline nicely but is actually very low looking up close.

    With a lot of the mechanicals moved to the rear of the car I don't have anything taking out rodents underneath. The stretched hood picks up the extra 2 1/4" which gives me room if I need to go with a four core radiator in place of the recorred PB that is in there now. I know everybody says this, but the car actually does look a lot better in person than in the pics. The frame "sweep" has a lot to do with this along with the 12" Z in the rear. I went to a 41" section of 3" frame in the center to pick up an additional 1" of interior height.

    With no back seat I have plenty of leg room and can really stretch out in there.

    Can't wait for the first shore run in this one.
    catdad49, GordonC, Stogy and 5 others like this.
  25. adam401
    Joined: Dec 27, 2007
    Posts: 2,962


    Koz your car is looking amazing keep up the great work!
    Stogy, Six Ball and Koz like this.
  26. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    Far cry from when we cut it up in your driveway!
  27. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    HacksawBill and Biker Pete came by today and helped me lift the body off the chassis. (They did most of the lifting as they're both bigger than me). The body came off easily and is real light, probably about the same as a 'glass T bucket body with wood structure as it is all formed sheet metal and no structural tubing or angle iron etc, It is also extremely rigid. There was no twist or sag when it came off which made me insanely happy.

    I'm fitting up the exhaust now and prepping the chassis for prime and painting. As I'm at a no more time to screw around point I have decided to shoot the chassis in gloss black with a Wimbleton White firewall and steering wheel rim, also gloss. Probably base/clear coat on the white only. The exterior will be Hot Rod Flatz "Royal Maroon" in a 30 deg. satin. This is about the darkest maroon I can find. I'm going to shoot a test card or two when it arrives and if it's not dark enough I have a bit of black in the same material to cut it with to darken it even more. This will look really good with the white tuck and roll.

    A quick pic and back to work-

    catdad49, GordonC, Stogy and 7 others like this.
  28. Keep at it!
    I got the 5 speed in the '56 over the weekend. So expect a visit one of these days. Hartman is doing the driveshaft and they are 2 weeks out right now. Will stop by when I get it sorted out.
    Stogy, brEad and Koz like this.
  29. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    Welcome anytime. Just remember to call to be sure I'm here!
  30. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,766


    This must be a real hot rod. Being built in the driveway. Chassis scotchbrighted and primed. Making up the exhaust. Unfortunately, the task I like least on a build, except when I can make a super neat project out of it. Then exhaust work is fun. PXL_20230708_210425981.jpg PXL_20230708_210441366.jpg
    catdad49, GordonC, Stogy and 6 others like this.

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