This explains we’re the engine went from the roadster. The fastest monostrut car to date is the "Grumpy Old Men" C/Blown Gas Lakester driven by Joe Law. The "Grumpy Old Men" was powered by a 370 cubic inch turbocharged small block running on gas. At the ECTA meet held at Spence Field, Georgia in April 1995, Law clocked 255.682 mph and later ran over 330 mph at Bonneville. (Photos by Franklin Ratliff)
It's tough making a car that was raced into a street vehicle. Not meant to be driven for more that a minute at a time! lol. I've changed the rearend, shocks, gears, carb, seats, steering wheel, shifter, gas tank, gauges, added mirrors, etc.
Previous owners garage Mines just regular unfortunately Look like the builder originally saved everything The whole chrome front end etc…. It has a 40 gallon tank and has all new interior done in the last 5-8 years
@Austinrod - Just noticed you changed the title of this thread to "WORLD’S….FASTEST….STREET….ROADSTER". While Joe Law's #355 C/Blown STreet Roadster record of 244.230 mph held that title for over twenty-seven years (a monumental achievement), my friend Chet Thomas grabbed the title of "World's Fastest Street Roadster" in his #711 AA/BSTR: ... at the SCTA World Finals in September of 2018 ... with a two-way average of 250.151 mph. In September of 2019, Chet's son Rich piloted the #711 A/BSTR to a two-way average of 253.378 mph ... which was the "World's Fastest Street Roadster" until October of 2021, when Ro Yale bumped up the Street Roadster record in the Hot Rod Hoodlums' #534 C/BSTR: ... with a with a two-way average of of 260.045 mph. NOTE: Here's the current Bonneville STreet Roadster class records: - @HEMI32
The roadster classes at Bonneville are extremely competitive. Those guys are constantly upping the ante, figuring out how to get these antique bricks to behave at modern supercar speeds.
That is true fell 2 years ago held the title for a long time This is the only one converted back too street use
Yep take all fasteners off remove the trunk lid It came with two trunk lids one smooth and one louvered Interior redone
Just curious....It was already converted to street use (current condition)BEFORE you got it? Or did you make the changes?
I went to Tom Sparks house, for a party, and he had a room with photos all over the walls from Bonneville, Indy 500, Drag Racing, etc, and a bunch of trophys! It was amazing....
Get a few of the 'Street Roadster' guys together at B'ville. You ain't gonna tell 'em much... This roadster has so much history...
Slight correction: The #355 Street Roadster's title of "World's Fastest Street Roadster" actually fell 5 years ago (in 2018) when the #711 (Blown AA class) Street Roadster bumped the AA/BSTR record up to 250.151 mph. It was the #355 Street Roadster's 1991 C/BSTR record of 244.230 mph that fell 2 years ago (in 2021) ... when the #534 (Blown C class) Street Roadster bumped (Joe Law's) C/BSTR record up to 260.045 mph ... thus grabbing the title of "World's Fastest Street Roadster" from the #711 2019 A/BSTR record of 253.378 mph.