OK crap intro, but I'm in one of those moods.... How is everyone?? sorry I ain't been around for a while - life, divorce, moving house, changing cars and NSRA (UK) duties have kept me busier than hell... Any gossip I should catch up on?? Do I still owe anybody parts/cash ??? (You still ain't getting them, but it's nice to ask ) If things pan out I'll be over in Fla by end of next year for a little break - watch this space for some INTERESTING news...- so hopefully get a chance to see Nads, Dragqueen, and the rest of the boys then...
Holy shit! Where do I start? Uhhhhhhhhhh, to make a long story short, everything happened to everyoone and we have about a million new guys. Welcome back and sorry to hear of the bad stuff---congrats on the good stuff.....
Hey man - welcome back!! Did you drink me scotch? Sorry to here about the lass, but plan your trip for the fall for Turkey Rod Run and stay the winter later Brian
Ah, the usual soap operas and crap. Millions of newbies and the occasional "what iz ur dream ride" bullshit. Oh, and I still have a crush on Rocket Scientist Chris (don't tell her) Welcome back.
I heard that you got deee-vorced because you started speaking ebonics....that and you were caught putting lipstick on a ewe. Mick Jagger: Hey, you, get offa my cloud. Scotsman: Hey McCloud, get offa my ewe.
welcome back mate was wondering where you have been. Did you get my christmas card. Sorry to hear about the divorce.Still have that little bottle of scotch you gave me.Bring some more I think will need it this time around.hahaha
Bring some coasters and whiskey. You owe me a clutch set for the CApri, just kidding. I can't wait to see you.
Rocky - nice to see nothing changes !!! RSC - was waiting for signal that the world was under your control.. still waiting.. PS I think BigA has a crush on you.. but don't tell anyone.... dixiedog - your whisky's still maturing in the barrel !! forgot to send it bro.. apologies - you just get 2 next time !!! staying for winter definitely appeals !!! Grinder - yeah thanks for card, will send you my new address cos she's still in the house and strangely doesn't like my name on mail anymore.. go figure..!! How's your project bro?? have a new one myself - will try posting pics later.. Nads - you know I'll bring firewater with me buddy - it's the only way I make friends.. ps: clutch kit to include seals for cylinder ?? El C - remember "Sheep are not food, they are friends"