I like the tunnel rumble! My favorites are on the PA Turnpike going toward Ohio. My exhaust sounds great just going at the speed limit! It sounds like I gain 50 HP in the tunnels.
Some years ago there was a cartoon in one of the hot rod mags that showed a grungy,pimply kid in his cobbled up roadster driving by a window and checking himself out. The the image in the window was of a wavy haired muscle beach type with a surfer babe snuggled in close and driving a AMBR style showcar. Are you sure your seeing what other people are seeing?
Always do it, favourite building is in a large industrial estate. No traffic, huge windows, angled just right, and the place echos the exhaust like a concrete canyon. Really can't go by a large window without looking, but I'm like everyone else..Who's the old guy driving it?
My Wife thinks I'm Nuts when I do it on my Harley . As were aproaching some I alert her "store fronts ,store fronts" Just to add to it. I can't wait till the Rod is done.
I took this last week when I rolled back in to town after the shades...every time I've rolled up to this stop sign I've wanted to do this... And a tanker on the same trip...
This is another thing That I'll never forget the first time! Pasadena California, Colorado Blvd. My buddy Bob Porter has to point out our relection, then said "Looks bitchen heh" I've had that relection stuck in my head ever since. And did we look cool, Bob owned the slammed full fendered 32 3-window coupe that is now known as "The Doyle Gammill Coupe" and we we're flat towing this Jacked up Pontiac Tempest, altered wheel based funny car Known as the Mickey Thompson A/FX Tempest. and those really were the good old day's. everytime I look into a storefront it's hard to see what I'm driving, all I see are Bob's two cars going down the road
Ok Im guilty Its just as bad when you go under a bridge or under an overpass with an echo and rev the motor .Why who know's .
done it, but I like the shadows on the retaining walls at the side of the highway best when the lights hit right and gives a perfect silhouette of your car.
Its fun to do here where i live in Kewanee we have alot of glass store fronts and a furniture store with a sky walk right in the center of town! Its always fun to go by checkin out whatever your drivin and give her a rev or two as you go under the skywalk! My wife always makes fun of me as we drive by and she notices me looking at the reflection in the glass store fronts! She says i'm vain i say i'm cool!
Guilty as well. Only way to see it other wise is to let the wife drive it, and that just aint happening!
I still do it and I still love to rap on the exhaust when I go through a tunnel too ! It's just something we love to do and the only way to see what everyone else sees is to go down that road with those colored windows and keep looking at yourself driving down the road ! Yep it's still kool and always will be ! Retro Jim