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You might be a traditional hot rodder if:

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by, Apr 18, 2004.

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  1. Greezy
    Joined: May 11, 2002
    Posts: 1,440


    YOU ARE a traditional hot rodder when your buddy calls you up and ask you if you have any shock mounts laying around. You deliver the mounts and then spend the rest of a beautiful Sunday afternoon restling in a rear end, that just doent seem to want to go back in. Thanks VISOR [​IMG]
  2. thirtytwo
    Joined: Dec 19, 2003
    Posts: 2,636


    you refuse to put things on your car you KNOW work better because it would mess up the old-time look
  3. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    Staff Member

    Here's my deal:

    I get dressed and go to work. I sit there and work my ass off for 9 or 10 hours all the time thinking about what I want to get to in the shop. I get home and start working... I'm so excited I forget to take off my work clothes and I fuck up my nice pants and shirt. I do this at least once a week it seems. My wife hates me for it.
  4. swazzie
    Joined: Mar 30, 2004
    Posts: 940


    You might be a TRADITIONAL hotrodder if you have a bumper sticker on your sled that says " MY OTHER WRENCH IS A HAMMER "
  5. JSM56
    Joined: Nov 25, 2003
    Posts: 285


    i think fat hack nailed this one.
  6. Rix2Six
    Joined: Jun 24, 2003
    Posts: 806

    from So. Cal.

    You might be a traditional hot rodder if:

    You're considering shaving your head cuz; 1. It'll be easier to clean when get ATF/Gear Lube/Oil in your hair. 2. Your hair won't get tangled when freeway flying in the roadster.
  7. gotcha
    Joined: Feb 26, 2004
    Posts: 176

    from Sanger, TX

    NOT that I'd ever do a thing like this...

    Carry coveralls in my squad car so I don't screw up a clean uniform during my late night visit to the shop... [​IMG]

  8. Fat Hack
    Joined: Nov 30, 2002
    Posts: 7,709

    Fat Hack
    from Detroit

    Anyone want some MORE??? [​IMG]

    You might be a traditional rodder if:

    You refer to 20 year old cars as "new" or "late models"!

    You keep your beater running by robbing various parts off of engines in your garage as needed!

    You carry an adjustable wrench, a couple screwdrivers, a roll of electrical tape, pliers and a knife in your glovebox...and have a nearly perfect record of getting cars going with just those "tools"!

    You know that ONE of the many uses for duct tape includes quick and easy sliver removal from skin!

    Your truck has a name, but you just call your German Shepherd "dog"!

    You've painted more than one car using spray cans...of ENGINE enamel!

    You remember people by what they drive!

    Your (now ex) wife had to insist "NO open headers on our wedding day!"!

    You can speed-shift a 'three on the tree'!

    You meet your girlfriend's dad for the first time, and she stands there bored for HOURS while you two talk about cars and engines!

    Your girlfriend's dad ENCOURAGES you to "Light 'em up!" when you finally DO leave for your date!

    You can set the point gap "close enough to run" by eye!

    You keep goldfish so the cat won't starve while you're away at a swap meet all weekend!

    Your living room 'sofa' was formerly the bench seat out of your old pickup!

    You put a straight pipe and a chrome air cleaner on your lawn mower!

    You consider the Red Green Show to be "educational television programing"!

    Your boss pulls his hair out in frustration after seeing you smoke the tires on the company truck INTO the parking you tell him "But, you said you didn't wanna see me smoke the tires OUT of the parking lot again!"

    Your station wagon has mag wheels, headers, a cam, and a hood scoop!

    Your first motorcycle was a chopper!

    NO car is "too far gone" for you!

  9. [ QUOTE ]
    ...if you keep the big pump bottle of Fast Orange " now with pumice! " in the shower.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That stuff on a green scubby pad takes off anything you can get into. Hurts like a bitch for a few minutes.

    [ QUOTE ]
    You remember people by what they drive!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If somebody I've met once or twice with an old car, sells it, I'll talk to the new owner as if I've met him before. Embarassing? Yup. Do they understand? Yup

  10. raven
    Joined: Aug 19, 2002
    Posts: 4,707


    "you think nothing of spending a hundred and sixty bucks on steel but you have a hard time justifying spending fifty bucks on groceries."

    I know this one all too well...

    I still think that Hack has it about covered.
  11. caffeine
    Joined: Mar 11, 2004
    Posts: 2,439

    from Central NJ

    you spend 2 days (2!!) waking up early as hell and getting to a swap meet in NJ, weeding through piles of shit (yeah, there was CRAP there.."I" would even be embarrased to bring that stuff) to find that 1 thing you can take home and be proud of finding that one swap meet jewel. Sunburned...expensive food that doesnt even fill you, but somehow manages to give you the runs for the rest of the day.

    on top of that and riding my chopper 10+ hours this weekend...
  12. Fat Hack
    Joined: Nov 30, 2002
    Posts: 7,709

    Fat Hack
    from Detroit

    Hell, these are easy...just write from personal EXPERIENCE! [​IMG]

    You might be a traditional rodder if:

    You pick up ONE obscure part at a swap meet and suddenly envision a new project built around it!

    Your car ramps are still the home built wooden plank jobs your uncle made twenty five years ago!

    Other than "driveway boarding" have no real use for a creeper!

    You instantly (and correctly) envision road rash & grass stains when you hear the term "driveway boarding"!

    You've ever stopped to pick up a muffler, wheel, or other part off the side of the road cuz it looked good enough to use on something!

    Cooter was your favorite character on The Dukes Of Hazzard!

    You've ever put a tunnel ram on a four door!

    You do long, smokey burnouts in front of your buddies' houses to let 'em know you got your car goin'!

    You park your old bomber in a remote location to be with your girlfriend, and people go out of their way to stop by to ask if you need a TOW!

    You drop off enough cars at a local junkyard that they just let you rummage through and take what ya need when you stop in looking for a part!

    You've carefully planned your next four project cars, but have no idea what you're doing for dinner yet!

    You've ever done donuts in a Blue Bird school bus in an icy parking lot...and gotten PAID for it!

    You've ever drag raced truck chassis...the new ones with NO BODY on them yet at work!

    You've ever gotten a dump truck airborne!

    You drag home "parts cars" that turn into "drivers"!

  13. start your hotrod in the middle of winter just to smell it.

  14. [ QUOTE ]
    expensive food that doesnt even fill you, but somehow manages to give you the runs for the rest of the day.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What did you order to eat? The hamburgers were 2 months old, buns were laying in the freezer for ALONG time.. hot dogs that were deep fried cause they had green mold all over them..
    Chicken that was suprisingly fresh, yet didnt taste nothing like chicken..
    Or chilli , which was made from 2-3 year old meat..

    YUMMIE! [​IMG]
  15. G V Gordon
    Joined: Oct 29, 2002
    Posts: 5,719

    G V Gordon
    from Enid OK

    You spend an hour explaining to your better half why you spent sixtyfive dollars and several hours at the DMV getting a tag and title for a bare model A frame in the back yard, which of course was a point of contention anyway. [​IMG]
  16. caffeine
    Joined: Mar 11, 2004
    Posts: 2,439

    from Central NJ

    I actually had a cheesesteak by the beer corral by the starting be honest I think it was worth the 5$, was decently sized, but still gave me the runs later on in the day...i was surprised though...i didnt get the squirtst till i got it was probably from the 3 hour ride on a rigid chopper and jersey pothole roads that "loosened" it up a little.
  17. You spend sunday lookin' at new/different houses and walk away from them because the house is bigger than the garage.
    But your really a rodder if the wife agrees with you. [​IMG]
  18. caffeine
    Joined: Mar 11, 2004
    Posts: 2,439

    from Central NJ

    [ QUOTE ]
    Here's my deal:

    I get dressed and go to work. I sit there and work my ass off for 9 or 10 hours all the time thinking about what I want to get to in the shop. I get home and start working... I'm so excited I forget to take off my work clothes and I fuck up my nice pants and shirt. I do this at least once a week it seems. My wife hates me for it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yeah I do the same thing know how many pairs of khaki pants i have with paint on them?? more than i have without!! hahahahh and all my white undershirts too!!
  19. G V Gordon
    Joined: Oct 29, 2002
    Posts: 5,719

    G V Gordon
    from Enid OK

    Yep, I now know three ways to get One-Shot off of a tie. [​IMG]
  20. Elrod
    Joined: Aug 7, 2002
    Posts: 3,566


    I spent about 3 hours in the driveway on Saturday straightening every single slightly bent fin on my 32 Ford radiator with a pair of needle nose pliers.
  21. I think i have the Finale boys n girls!!
    "you might be a convicted car junky won't take an airplane,beause your afraid you'll fly over something you might want!!!!"
    I DRIVE!! from Canada to LA,california every year,i leave a day early so i can stop when ever i see something cool!!!wreckers ,shops,stuff 50 miles outa the way,whatever!!
    Makes my road trip pals NUTZ!! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  22. Revhead
    Joined: Mar 19, 2001
    Posts: 3,027

    from Dallas, TX

    You might be a traditional rodder if....

    You can post at least 100+ topics during your first day on a traditional hot rod message board.

    or at least that's what some people think [​IMG]
  23. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 18,749

    from KCMO

    i know some one a couple years ago posted a killer list but i lost it when our computer went down:p

    you might be a trad rodder if your stoped talking to some one and while all they notice is that massive blown injected hemi and straight zoomie exhaust, all you can hear is that one damn valve taping

    your might be a trad roder if it starts to rain driving your hoodless rod and at the first drop of water on the windscreen you think oh shit hole in the radiator!

  24. Bigcheese327
    Joined: Sep 16, 2001
    Posts: 6,710


    [ QUOTE ]
    You pick up ONE obscure part at a swap meet and suddenly envision a new project built around it!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well yeah, except substitute "from a friend" or "off ebay" more usually. (Dad curtails my parts buying at swap meets.)

    [ QUOTE ]
    You've carefully planned your next four project cars, but have no idea what you're doing for dinner yet!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, okay, yeah, but I'm seriously considering pancakes now.

    [ QUOTE ]
    You've ever gotten a dump truck airborne!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Did you work at Camp Miniwanca too?

    I still haven't seen these....

    1) You've completely ignored an entire lecture because you were drawing detailed chassis plans and formulating questions about them for the HAMB.

    2) Every troubleshooting question people bring you about late models is answered with a shrug and "probably something with the Electronic Fuel Injection."

    3) You regularly contemplate ditching your ten-year-old, runs-like-a-top, 30 mpg coupe and replacing it with something from the fifties that has poor traction, is unreliable and gets crummy gas mileage just because you'd rather drive that.
  25. Tony
    Joined: Dec 3, 2002
    Posts: 7,350


    [ QUOTE ]
    your might be a trad roder if it starts to rain driving your hoodless rod and at the first drop of water on the windscreen you think oh shit hole in the radiator!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I actually did that! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  26. Nick32vic
    Joined: Jul 17, 2003
    Posts: 3,060


    I might be a traditional rodder if: (these are from Fat Hacks list)

    ALL your clothes are "work clothes".

    You have the HAMB as your home page!

    You know what gas, antifreeze, trans fluid, oil and brake fluid taste like!

    You have at least one car grille in your bedroom!

    You refer to 20 year old cars as "new" or "late models"!

    You know that ONE of the many uses for duct tape includes quick and easy sliver removal from skin!

    You remember people by what they drive!

    You put a straight pipe and a chrome air cleaner on your lawn mower! (In my case it was a glass pack and flames)

    You consider the Red Green Show to be "educational television programing"!

    You pick up ONE obscure part at a swap meet and suddenly envision a new project built around it!

    Your car ramps are still the home built wooden plank jobs your uncle made twenty five years ago!(in this case, built by my dad)

    Cooter was your favorite character on The Dukes Of Hazzard!

    You've carefully planned your next four project cars, but have no idea what you're doing for dinner yet!

    Nick [​IMG]
  27. k9racer
    Joined: Jan 20, 2003
    Posts: 3,091


    If you name your children or pets after cars,car parts or car people. I have a friend whos middle name is Duntof.others named Mercades and Areal after the motor cycle plus a couple of harleys and several others named after race car girl named Daytona. Dogs named chevy, ford,-wedge bolt,Lee Icocca,97.Big block,slick,lug nut. If any body knows more add them.
  28. hotrod54chevy
    Joined: Nov 7, 2003
    Posts: 1,590

    from Ohio

    [ QUOTE ]
    You meet your girlfriend's dad for the first time, and she stands there bored for HOURS while you two talk about cars and engines!Your girlfriend's dad ENCOURAGES you to "Light 'em up!" when you finally DO leave for your date!
    ALL your clothes are "work clothes".You refer to 20 year old cars as "new" or "late models"!You remember people by what they drive!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ok,these are ALL that bad?? [​IMG]
  29. You might be a traditional hot rodder if:

    - You use hand signals in your family car that has working turn signals.

    - Your gas gauge is: opening the gas tank and looking

    - 20lbs of oil pressure is a good day! (flathead guys say amen)

    - You can pull a banjo rearend in your sleep

    - You know that you can drive a couple of extra miles when your tri-powered car runs out of gas cause there is gas still in the bowls of the secondary just keep pumping the accelerator pedal to keep going.

    - When you recognize that hi-end stereos are no longer a fact they become useless because of the noise level.

    - The UPS guy knows you by your first name.

    - You know other hotrodders by their cars and not their names.

    - If everytime your kids hear a loud car they say, "hear comes daddy". Even if you are sitting next to them.

    - You use the same plates and insurance for multiple cars

  30. Nick32vic
    Joined: Jul 17, 2003
    Posts: 3,060


    [ QUOTE ]
    - You use the same plates and insurance for multiple cars

    [/ QUOTE ] haha

    Or you use the same plates for your mullins trailor and your car trailor. [​IMG]

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